Volume 28 • Number 2 • 2005
• Special Classes of Univalent Functions with Missing Coefficients and Integral Transforms
S. Ponnusamy and P. Sahoo
Abstract. Let An be the class of all analytic functions f of the form
f(z)=z + ∑k=n + 1akzk, z∈Δ,
where nN is fixed. For λ>0 and α<1, define
Un(λ)={fAn: |(z/f(z))n + 1f'(z) - 1|<λ, z∈Δ}
Sα={fS(α): |z f'(z)/f(z) - 1|<1 - α, z∈Δ}.
In this paper, we find suitable conditions on λ and α so that Un(λ) is included in Sα and S(α). Here Sα and S(α) denote the usual classes of strongly starlike and starlike of order α, respectively. We determine necessary conditions so that fUn(λ) implies that

|z f'(z)/f(z) - 1/(2β)|<1/(2β), z∈Δ,
|1 + z f''(z)/f'(z) - 1/(2β)|<1/(2β), |z|<r,
where r=r(λ,n) will be specified. For c + 1 - n>0, define
[I(f)](z)=F(z)=z[(c + 1 - n)/zc + 1 - n.∫0z(t/f(t))ntc - n d t]1/n.
We also find conditions on λ, α and c so that I(Un(λ))⊂Sα.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45, 30C55.

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