Volume 29 • Number 1 • 2006
• Some More Properties of FI and Regular I-Closed Sets in Ideal Topological Spaces
V. Jeyanthi, V. Renuka Devi and D. Sivaraj
Abstract. In 1964, Hayashi [8] defined and studied the notions of ⋆-dense in itself sets and ⋆-perfect subsets in ideal topological spaces. In 1999, Dontchev et al. [5] have studied the notion of Ideal resolvability through codense and completely codense ideal topological spaces. Recently, in the year 2004, Keskin, Noiri and Yuksel [12] have introduced and studied the concepts of f-sets and fI-continuity. In this paper, we studied some more properties of fI-sets and fI-continuity with codense and completely codense ideals. We also, continued the study of regular I-closed concepts.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 54A05, 54A10, Secondary 54C08.

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