Volume 28 • Number 2 • 2006
• Chromatically Unique Bipartite Graphs with Certain 3-independent Partition Numbers II
Roslan Hasni and Y.H. Peng
Abstract. For integers p, q, s with pq≥2 and s≥0, let K2 - s(p,q) denote the set of 2 - connected bipartite graphs which can be obtained from Kp,q by deleting a set of s edges. In this paper, we prove that for any graph GK2 - s(p,q) with pq≥3 and 1≤sq - 1, if the number of 3-independent partitions of G is 2p - 1 + 2q - 1 + s + 4, then G is chromatically unique. This result extends the similar theorem by Dong et al. [Discrete Math. 224(2000) 107–124], and the result in [4].

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 05C15.

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