Volume 33 • Number 3 • 2010 |
From the Eisenhart Problem to Ricci Solitons in ƒ-Kenmotsu Manifolds
Constantin Calin and Mircea Crasmareanu
The Eisenhart problem of finding parallel tensors is solved for the symmetric case in the regular ƒ-Kenmotsu framework. In this way, the Olszack-Rosca example of Einstein manifolds provided by ƒ-Kenmotsu manifolds via locally symmetric Ricci tensors is recovered as well as a case of Killing vector fields. Some other classes of Einstein-Kenmotsu manifolds are presented. Our result is interpreted in terms of Ricci solitons and special quadratic first integrals.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C40, 53C55, 53C12, 53C42.
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