Volume 35 • Number 2A • 2012 |
Sharp Remainder Terms of the Rellich Inequality and its Application
Alnar Detalla, Toshio Horiuchi and Hiroshi Ando
In this article we shall study the improvement of the Rellich inequality by adding terms with a singular weight of the type $\left(\log (1/|x|)\right)^{-2}$ in the right hand side. We show that this weight function is optimal in the sense that the improved inequality fails for any other weight more singular than this one. As an application, we use our improved inequality to analyze the behaviour of the first eigenvalue of the weighted eigenvalue problem for the operator $L_\mu u=\Delta\left(|\Delta u|^{p-2}\Delta u \right) - \left(\mu/|x|^{2p}\right)|u|^{p-2}u$ as $\mu$ increases to $\left((n-2p)/p\right)^p \left((np-n)/p\right)^p$ for $1<p<n/2$.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35J70; Secondary: 35J60.
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