School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Rosihan Mohamed Ali

nophoto  Dato’ Rosihan M. Ali
B.Sc. Nevada Reno, M.Sc., Ph.D. Texas Tech
Univalent Function Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Education (Hand-held Technology).
Room no : 129 Ext: 3966 


Academic Qualifications :

BA (Knox), MSc (USM), PhD (Dundee)

Current Professional Membership :

Member; since 2006; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Life Member; since 1995; Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society.



Abd Rahni Mt Piah (2013) DARIPADA FUNGSI KEPADA BENTUK CAGD. Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21.

Zabidi Abu Hasan and Abd Rahni Mt Piah (2013) INTERPOLASI KUBIK BALL NISBAH C2 YANG MENGEKALKAN KEEKANADAAN.Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21.

Najihah Mohamed, Ahmad Abd Majid and Abd Rahni Mt Piah (2013) PENGGARAN DATA IMPLAN BENTUK KECACATAN TENGKORAK DENGAN C1 LENGKUNG KUBIK BEZIER NISBAH DAN IMBANGAN.  Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21

Wan Nurhadani Wan Jaafar and Abd Rahni Mt Piah (2013) INTERPOLASI KUARTIK BALL NISBAH YANG MENGEKALKAN BENTUK DATA POSITIF.Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21

Ayser Nasir Hassan Tahat, Abd Rahni Mt Piah, Zainor Ridzuan Yahya (2013) INTERPOLASI BERKEKANGAN KUBIK BALL NISBAH YANG MENGEKALKAN KEPOSITIFAN.Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21

Siti Jasmida Jamil and Abd Rahni Mt Piah (2013) MEMELIHARA KEPOSITIFAN INTERPOLASI KUBIK BALL NISBAH.Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-21 SKSM 21


Z. R. Yahya, A. R. M. Piah and A. A. Majid, 2012, Curve fitting using conic by evolutionary computing, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 8(1), 107-110.Z. R. Yahya, A. R. M. Piah and A. A. Majid, 2012, Conic curve fitting using particle swarm optimization: parameter tuning, KTW 2011, Communications in Computer and Information Science 295 (D. Lukose, A.R. Ahmad, A. Suliman, editors), 379-382.

S. Senthilkumar and A. R. M. Piah, 2012, An improved fuzzy cellular neural network (IFCNN) for an edge detection based on parallel RK(5,6) approach, International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 70-78.


S. Senthilkumar and A. R. M. Piah, 2011, Sine-cosine-Taylor-like method for hole-filler ICNN simulation, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No. 1, 117-122.

S. Senthilkumar and A. R. M. Piah, 2011, Parallel RKAM technique for hole-filler FCNN simulation, Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 1, September 2011, 8-13.

S. Senthilkumar and A. R. M. Piah, 2011, Solution to a system of second order robot arm by parallel Runge-Kutta arithmetic mean algorithm, Robot Arms, Satoru Goto (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-160-2, InTech, Available from:

Z. R. Yahya, A. R. M. Piah and A. A. Majid, 2011, G1 continuity conics for curve fitting using particle swarm optimization, 2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation IEEE Computer Society Proceedings, 497-501. DOI 10.1109/IV.2011.27

A. Saaban, A. R. M. Piah and A. A. Majid, 2011, Performance of the triangulation-based methods of positivity-preserving scattered data interpolation, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 57 No. 1, October 2011, 1-11.

S. Senthilkumar and A. R. M. Piah, 2011, Hole filing IFCNN simulation by parallel RK(5,6) techniques, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Volume 9 (6), June 2011, 57-64.

A. R. M. Piah and K. Unsworth, 2011, Improved sufficient conditions for monotonic piecewise rational quartic interpolation, Sains Malaysiana, 40(10), 1173-1178.


Diana Sirmayunie Mohd Nasir & Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah. Pembinaan permukaan tertutup licin oleh fungsi Ball pada kubus. Sains Malaysiana 39(4), 655-659.


Saaban A., Majid A. A., Piah A. R. M. (2009) Visualization of rainfall data distribution using quintic triangular Bezier patches. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) 32(2): 137-150.

Siti Jasmida Jamil & Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah. Interpolasi data tersebar yang mengekalkan kepositifan menggunakan tampalan segi tiga Ball (Positivity preserving scattered data interpolation using Ball triangular patches). Matematika, 24(2), 159-168.
Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim & Abd Rahni Mt Piah. Rational generalised Ball functions for convex interpolating curves. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 5(1), 65-74.

Azizan Saaban, Abd Rahni Mt Piah, Ahmad Abd Majid. Accuracy of the triangulation-based methods of positivity-preserving scattered data interpolation. Proceedings of the 5th Asian Mathematical Conference.

Zainor Ridzuan Yahya, Abd Rahni Mt Piah and Ahmad Abd. Majid, An overview of soft computing techniques in curve fitting, Prosiding Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-17, Jilid 2, 1011-1018.


Abd Rahni Mt Piah, Azizan Saaban & Ahmad Abd. Majid. Convexity-preserving scattered data interpolation. MATEMATIKA, 2008, Volume 24, Number 1, 31-42 © Department of Mathematics, UTM

Yongson Ooi, Ya-Ping Wong, Lawrence H. T. Chang & Abd Rahni Mt Piah. First and second order partial derivatives estimation using modified Lagrange quadratic interpolant. International Journal of Computer Graphics and CAD/CAM (CGACC), Vol.02, No.(1+6), ISSN 1817-3489.

Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim, Abd Rahni Mt Piah dan Keith Unsworth. Rational Generalised Ball Functions for Monotonic Interpolating Curves. Proceedings of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3. No. 9(2008), pp. 75-82.


First Semester Academic Session 2011/2012
MAT 111- Linear Algebra Second Semester Academic Session 2011/2012 GTX 102 – Mathematics of Radiation Science

Previous Employment :

Instructor/Teacher – 1981-1986 Universiti Sains Malaysia 


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