Volume 33 • Number 3 • 2010 |
A Product Involving the β-Family in Stable Homotopy Theory
Xiugui Liu and Wending Li
In the stable homotopy groups πq(pn+pm+1)-3(S) of the sphere spectrum S localized at the prime p greater than three, J. Lin constructed an essential family ξm,n for n ≥ m + 2 > 5. In this paper, the authors show that the composite ξm,nβs ∈ πq(pn+pm+sp+s)-5(S) for 2 ≤ s < p is non-trivial, where q = 2(p - 1) and βs ∈ πq(sp+s-1)-2(S) is the known β-family. We show our result by explicit combinatorial analysis of the (modified) May spectral sequence.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 55Q45, 55T15.
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