Volume 35 • Number 3 • 2012 |
Oscillatory Behavior of Solutions of Certain Third-Order Mixed Neutral Functional Differential Equations
Zhenlai Han, Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Shurong Sun
The present work is concerned with the oscillation and asymptotic properties of the third-order mixed neutral differential equation
+q_2(t)x(t+\tau_4)=0,\ \ \ t\geq t_0.
We establish two theorems which guarantee that every solution $x$ of the above equation oscillates or $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}x(t)=0$. These results complement some known results obtained in the literature. Some examples are considered to illustrate the main results.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C10, 34K11, 39A21.
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