School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Ong Hong Choon


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ong Hong Choon
PhD Mathematics,      Universiti Sains Malaysia
MSc Mathematics,      Universiti Sains Malaysia.
BSc Mathematics,       Universiti Malaya.
Dip. Ed Mathematics, Universiti Malaya.| Room No.: 019 | Phone: 04-6534763


Overview:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ong Hong Choon has a research interest in data analysis and machine learning. His work deals with extracting information or knowledge from numerical data for clustering or regression with the purpose of understanding these systems. His research papers are published in reputable international refereed journals, by renowned publishers such as Taylor & Francis, IEEE Press, Springer-Verlag, American Institute of Physics Inc., Elsevier, World Scientific and Hindawi Publishing Corporation. In the local front, he has journal publications by local research universities, such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Selected publications:

1. Tilahun, S.L., Ong, H.C. and Ngnotchouye, J.M.T. (2016) Extended Prey-Predator Algorithm with a Group Hunting Scenario. Advances in Operations Research. Volume 2016, Article Number 7325263. 14 pages.

2. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2015) Prey-Predator Algorithm: A New Metaheuristic Algorithm for Optimization Problems. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. Vol. 14, No. 6, 1331–1352.

3. Hong Choon Ong and Ekele Alih (2015) A Control Chart Based on Cluster-Regression Adjustment for Retrospective Monitoring of Individual Characteristics. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0125835.

4. Alih, E. and  Ong, H.C.  (2015). Cluster-based L2 re-weighted regression. Statistical Methodology. Volume 27, November 01, 2015, Pages 51-81. 

Research Interest:

1. Data Mining

2. Machine Learning

3. Metaheuristic Algorithms

4. Statistical Modelling

Teaching & Supervision


No. Course Code Course Name
1 MST561 Statistical Inference
2 MAT363 Statistical Inference
3 MAT161 Elementary Statistics
4 MGM562 Probability Theory
5 MSG162 Applied Statistical Methods


Level Name Title
  1. Khoo Hee Kooi

  2. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun

  3. Ekele Alih

  4. Davinna Jeremiah

  5. Chua Chong Yong 

  6. Nawaf Nour Eddin Badi Hamadneh

Integration of human perceptions in automatic image segmentation system

Prey-predator algorithm (PPA): A new metaheuristic optimization approach

Cluster-based Estimators for Multiple and Multivariate Linear Regression Models

An Adaptive Outlier Detection for Scatter Points of Unascertained Models

Two-Way Greedy Search: Learning Bayesian Network with Diverged Path

Logic Programming in Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (As co-supervisor)



(Selected Research and Mixed Mode)

  1. Ang Sau Loong

  2. Khoo Hee Kooi

  3. Sin Kheng Seang

  4. Javin Lee Tze Chuin

  5. Ooi Ai Wern

  6. Ooi Yew Jin

  7. Lim Poh Ying

  8. Nurul Aidha bt Mohd Tarimizi

  9. Lee Wai Soon

  10. Tang Suey Shya

  11. Nurwahyu binti Mohd Zaki
  12. Lim Joo Sim

  13. Kumarenthiran a/l Chandrasekaran

  14. Ng Chia Jiun

A Proposed Method for Selecting the Clustering Algorithm in Radial Basis Function

Cluster Coding with Modified Flood Fill Algorithm for Texture Segmentation

Review of Neural Network Methods in Survival Analysis


Review of Neural Network Methods in Time Series Analysis

Hierarchical Neural Networks for Censored Data

A study on the influence of skewed populations on statistical and neural networks based control charts for process mean

Effects of heavy tailed distributions on statistical and neural network  based control charts

Kajian factor perbelanjaan isi rumah di kalangan pendidik di Seri Iskandar, Perak

A Comparison of the Prey-Predator and Firefly Algorithms

A Comparative Study on the Standard,Modified and Chaotic Firefly Algorithms

Labour Force Survey using Bayesian Network

A Bayesian Network approach to identify mathematics problem solving among Matriculation students

Faktor-faktor pelajar lemah menguasai matematik tambahan di SMJK di Ipoh

An extension of the Prey Predator Algorithm



  1. Soo Kok Leong

  2. Eng Chit Wah dan Poo Ying Chye
  3. Lim Chee Kang dan Yong Yeow Wui
  4. Ang Swee Fun dan Ng Xun Jie
  5. Leong Chee Hoong and Tai Sheue Huey

  6. Chan Shin Yue

  7. Poh Ki Siong and Teoh Kok Boon
    Saw Siew Lin and Khoo May Yee
  8. Lee Chiew Seng and Sia Chye Ching

  9. Tee Xiang Run and Kong Shu Hui

  10. Josephine Looi Ying Ying and Yau Sze Ern

Modelling the AIDS Epidemic

Quantifying the AIDS Epidemic in Thailand

Neural Network Modelling

Forecasting the water consumption in Penang

A Functional Approximation Comparison between Neural Networks and Polynomial Regression

Forecasting the Water Consumption in Penang

A Comparative Study between Statistical and Neural Network based Control Charts

An Improvement on the Naïve Bayes Classifier

A case study on factors affecting the quality of sleep using graphical models

Approval of bank loans using an improved Naïve Bayes classifier.

Apparel brand conscious among youth



Research Grants

1. IRPA eScience fund: (1 December 2006 – 31 July 2008). Co-Researcher: Wong Ya Ping (Multimedia University) Title: Texture Analysis for Computer Vision.

2. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS): (15 January 2007 – 14 January 2010). Title: Radial basis functional link nets with an improved initial selection centres.

3.  Research University (RU) Grant(15 June 2009 – 14 June 2011). Title: A Non-Recursive Method for Image Segmentation

4.,  Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS): (1 Mei 2013 – 30 October 2015). Co-Researcher: Saratha Sathasivam, Surafel Luleseged Tilahun Title: A Novel Trajectory-Based Metaheuristic Algorithm

5. Short Term Research: (15 June 2005 – 14 June 2007). Title: Radial Basis Function using Least Absolute Criterion.

6. Short Term Research: (15 June 2009 – 14 September 2011). Title: Machine Learning Approaches for Statistical Process Control

7. Short Term Research: (1 December 2011–30 November 2013). Title: Metaheuristic Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization Problems


List of publications:

Published papers:

1.  H.C.Ong, S.H.Quah and H.C.Low (1998). An application of the backcalculation to estimate past HIV infection rates in Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia 53 (4), 385-391.

2. H.C.Ong and S.H.Quah (2005) Errorbackpropagation using least absolute criterion. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 82(3) 301-312

3. H.C.Ong, and K.L.Soo (2006). Backcalculation of HIV Infection Rates in Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia 61 (5), 616-620.

4. Ong Hong Choon and Ooi Ai Wern (2008). Hierarchical Neural Networks for Censored Data. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 44(5) 651-660

5. Ong Hong Choon, Leong Chee Hoong and Tai Sheue Huey (2008) A Functional Approximation Comparison between Neural Networks and Polynomial Regression. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. 6(7) 353-363

6.  Ang Sau Loong, Ong Hong Choon and Low Heng Chin (2008)    Criterion in selecting the clustering algorithm in Radial Basis Functional Link Nets WSEAS Transactions on Systems.  11(7) 1290-1299.

7. Ang Sau Loong, Ong Hong Choon and Low Heng Chin (2008) Determining the Preprocessing Clustering Algorithm in Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis 4(2), 113-120

8. Ong Hong Choon, Cheah Siew Chuin and Low Sheau Phin (2008) Suatu Perbandingan antara Carta Kawalan Berstatistik dengan Carta Kawalan berdasarkan Rangkaian Neural [A comparison between Statistical and Neural Network Based Control Charts]. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis. 4(2), 19-27  

9. Hong-Choon Ong and Hee-Kooi Khoo  (2009) Improved Image Texture Classification using Grey Level Co-occurrence Probabilities with Support Vector Machines Post-processing. European Journal of Scientific Research 36(1), 56-64. 

10. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Ong Hong Choon (2011) Fuzzy Preference Incorporated Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 2011. 1(1). Page 26-30.

11.  Ong Hong Choon and Surafel Luleseged Tilahun (2011)  Integrating Fuzzy Preference in Genetic Algorithm to Solve Multiobjective Optimization Problems. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 55(2), 165-179.

12. Saratha Sathasivam, Nawaf Hamadneh and Ong Hong Choon (2011) Comparing Neural  Networks: Hopfield Network and RBF Network. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5(69), 3439 – 3452.

13. Hong Choon Ong (2011) Improving Classification in Bayesian Networks using Structural Learning. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 75, 1407-1411.

14. Nawaf Hamadneh, Saratha Sathasivam and Ong Hong Choon (2012) Higher Order Logic Programming in Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 6 (3), 115 – 127.

15. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Ong Hong Choon (2012) Fuzzy Preference of Multiple Decision Makers in Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using Genetic Algorithm. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology. 6 (02), 224-237.


16. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2012) Bus timetabling as a Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimization Problem Using Preference based Genetic Algorithm. Promet-Traffic & Transportation.24, (3), 183-191.

17. Nawaf Hamadneh, Saratha Sathasivam, Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Ong Hong Choon (2012). Learning Logic Programming in Radial Basis Function Network via Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Applied Sciences. 12 (9), 840-847. 

18. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2012). Modified Firefly Algorithm. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 2012, Article ID 467631, 12 pages.

19. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun, Semu Mitiku Kassa and Hong Choon Ong (2012). A New Algorithm for Multilevel Optimization Problems using Evolutionary Strategy, Inspired by Natural Adaption. PRICAI 2012, LNAI 7458, pp. 577–588.

20. Ong Hong Choon, Chiew Seng Lee and Chye Ching Sia (2012) A Case Study on Quality of Sleep and Health using Bayesian Networks. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis 8(2), 21-36.

21. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2013) Vector Optimization using Fuzzy Preference in Evolutionary Strategy based Firefly Algorithm. International Journal of Operational Research. 16 (1), 81-95.

22. Hong Choon Ong and Joo Sim Lim (2014) Identifying Factors Influencing Mathematical Problem Solving among Matriculation Students in Penang. Pertanika. JSSH Vol. 22 (3) 393-408.    

23. Nawaf Hamadneh, Saratha Sathasivam, Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Ong Hong Choon (2013). Prey-Predator Algorithm as a new optimization technique using radial basis function neural networks. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. Vol. 8, Issue 7, 383-387.

24. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2013) Comparison between Genetic Algorithm and Prey-Predator Algorithm. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 9, No.4 (2013), 167-170.

25. Nawaf Hamadneh, Waqar A. Khan, Saratha Sathasivam And Hong Choon Ong (2013) Design Optimization of Pin Fin Geometry Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. PLOS ONE. Vol. 8, Issue 5, 1-9

27. Ong, H.C., Tilahun, S.L. and Tang, S.S. (2015) A Comparative Study on the Standard, Modified and Chaotic Firefly Algorithms. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology. Penerbit UPM 23 (2), 1-12.

28. Hong Choon Ong and Ekele Alih (2015) Cluster-based Multivariate Regression. Pakistan Journal of Statistics. Special Issue. Manuscript (PJS-2014-0281). Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 515-537.

30. Ong Hong Choon and Kumarenthiran Chandrasekaran (2015) A Bayesian Network Approach to Identify Factors Affecting Learning of Additional Mathematics. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia. 40(2)Pages 185-192.


31. Ekele Alih and Hong Choon Ong (2015) Cluster-based L2 Re-weighted Regression. Statistical Methodology. Volume 27, Pages 51-81

32. Hong Choon Ong and Chia Jiun Ng (2015) A study on an extended Prey-Predator Algorithm. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis. 11 (2), pages 17-29.

33. Ekele Alih and Hong Choon Ong (2015) A Control Chart Based on Cluster–Regression Adjustment for Retrospective Monitoring of Individual Characteristics. PLoSONE 10 (4) 30 pages:e0125835. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125835

34. Tilahun, S.L., Ong, H.C. and Ngnotchouye, J.M.T. (2016) Extended Prey-Predator Algorithm with a Group Hunting Scenario. Advances in Operations Research. Volume 2016, Article Number 7325263. 14 pages.

35. Song P.C., Chong H.Y., Ong H.C. and Looi, S.Y. (2016) Bayesian Network analysis of the factors affecting student’s higher level study decision: The private institution case. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering. Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 105-109.

36.  Lee, C.N. and Ong, H.C. (2016). Bayesian analysis of change point problems for time series data.  23rd Malaysia National Symposium of Mathematical Sciences: Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Volume 1750. 21 June 2016, Article No. 060025. 5 pages.

37.  Sau Loong Ang, Hong Choon Ong and Heng Chin Low (2016)  Classification Using the General Bayesian Network.  Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 24 (1): 205 - 211

38. Ekele Alih and Hong Choon Ong (2017) Robust cluster-basedmultivariate outlier diagnostics and

parameter estimation in regression analysis. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS—SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION, VOL. 46, NO. 1,Pages 244–260

39.  Chua Chong Yong and Ong Hong Choon (2017) Comparison of scoring functions on greedy search Bayesian network learning algorithms. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 25 (3). July 2017, 719-734

40. Hong Choon Ong, Surafel Luleseged Tilahun, Wai Soon Lee and Jean Meadard T Ngnotchouye (2017) Comparative study of prey predator algorithm and firefly algorithm.  Intelligent Autosoft and Soft Computing.( 14 pages.

41. Sana Saeed and Hong Choon Ong (2017) A Self Adaptive Hybrid Algorithm for Constraint and Unconstraint Optimization Problems. International Journal on Bio-Inspired Computation. (Accepted)

Conference Proceedings:

1.  H.C.Ong and S.H.Quah. (2001). Error backpropagation using least absolute criterion. International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics and its Applications. 26-28 June 2001, Cititel, Kuala Lumpur.

2.   H.C.Ong and S.H.Quah. (2002). Function approximation with multilayered perceptrons using L1 criterion. Proceedings of the 7th ATCM. 604-613. Multimedia University, Melaka, Malaysia.

3.  Ong Hong Choon, Suraiya Kassim, Teh Seok Cheng and Lawrence Chang Hooi Tuang (2004) Exploring the Value of e using Graphing Calculators 2nd National Conference on Graphing Calculators page 69-72

4.   Hong Choon Ong and Ya-Ping Wong (2004) A comparative study on the multilayered perceptrons with one and two hidden layers. Proceedings of the MMU International Symposium on ICT. Ts5b-3. 9-12.

5. Ong Hong Choon (2005) Modelling the AIDS Epidemic in Malaysia  First IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, statistics and their applications page 228-234

6.  Lai Mei Yan and Ong Hong Choon (2006) Neural network forecasting on electricity consumption in Malaysia. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications  13-15 Jun 2006, The Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang Vol. 4 page 20-24

7. Ong Hong Choon, Lim Chee Kang and Yong Yeow Wui (2006) Nonlinear approximations using multi-layered perceptrons and polynomial regressions. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications 13-15 Jun 2006, The Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang Vol. 4 page 115-119

8. Ang Sau Loong, Ong Hong Choon and Low Heng Chin (2006) Comparison between modified radial basis functional link nets and radial basis function. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications 13-15 Jun 2006, The Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang Vol. 4 page 120-125

9. Ong Hong Choon, Poo Ying Chye and Eng Chit Wah (2006) Modelling the AIDS epidemic in Thailand. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications 13-15 Jun 2006, The Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang Vol. 3 page 216-219

10. Ong Hong Choon, Ang Swee Fun and Ng Xun Jie. (2007). Forecasting the Water Consumption in Penang. The 3rd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications 5-7 Dec 2007, The Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang.

11. Ang Sau Loong, Ong Hong Choon and Low Heng Chin (2007) Criterion in Selecting the Clustering Algorithm for Radial Basis Functional Link Nets. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS’07) 28-29 Nov 2007. Putrajaya. Page 572-579

12. Hee-Kooi Khoo, Hong-Choon Ong and Ya-Ping Wong (2008). Image Texture Classification using Combined Grey Level Co-occurrence Probabilities and Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV2008) 26-28 August 2008, USM, Penang, Malaysia. (IEEE Computer Society). Page 180-184.

13. Ong Hong Choon, and Javin Lee Tze Chuin (2008). A Comparison of Neural Network Methods and Box-Jenkins Model in Time Series Analysis. Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference Advances in Computer Science and Technology (ACST 2008) 2-4 April 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia. Page 344-350.

14. Hee-Kooi Khoo, Hong-Choon Ong and Ya-Ping Wong (2009). Cluster Coding Algorithm for Stochastic Texture Identification. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Computer  Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV2008) 11-14 August 2009, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. (IEEE Computer Society). Page 285-289.

15. Hee-Kooi Khoo and Hong-Choon Ong (2009) A Design Process for Texture Segmentation. Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)  8 – 11 December  2009,  Hong Kong. Page 2080-2083.

16. Hong-Choon Ong and Poh-Ying Lim. (2009) Effects of Heavy Tailed Distribution on Statistical and Neural Network Based Control Charts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Technology and Development. Vol. 2 (ICCTD 2009). 13-15 November 2009, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Page 232-236.

17.  Hong-Choon Ong and Yew-Jin Ooi (2010) The Influence of Skewed Populations on Statistical and Neural Network Control Charts for Process Mean. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010). 26-28 February 2010, Singapore. Page 197-201.

18. Hong Choon Ong, Lay Fong Sin and Li Ling Tan (2010) Modelling the Aids Epidemic in Penang, 

     Malaysia. The International Conference on Statistical Methodologies and Related Topics (in conjunction with the NZSA Annual Conference)  29 June – 1 July  2010, Massey University, Palmerston North, NEW  ZEALAND

19.  Hong-Choon Ong and Shin-Yue Chan (2011) A Comparison on Neural Network Forecasting.             

      Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation (ICCSS2011).                        

      28-29 May 2011, Bangkok.

20. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Ong Hong Choon (2011). Firefly Algorithm for Multicriteria      Optimization Problems with Dynamic Preference. Proceeding of The 2nd Symposium of USM Fellowship Holders 22-24 November, 2011.

21.  Hong Choon Ong, Saw Siew Lin and Khoo May Yee (2012). An Improvement on the Naïve Bayes Classifier. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM 2012).  24-26 July 2012. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

22. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2012). Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Prey-Predator Algorithm. Regional Annual Fundamental Science Symposium. (RAFSS 2012). 10-13 December, 2012 Persada Johor Convention Centre, Johor Bahru.

23. Nawaf Hamadneh, Saratha Sathasivam and Ong Hong Choon (2012). Solving Traveling Salesman Problem in Radial Basis Function Network. International Conference on Intelligent Systems. (ICIS 2012). 19-20 May 2012, Penang, Malaysia. Page 130-133.

24. Surafel Luleseged Tilahun and Hong Choon Ong (2012). On fuzzy preference of decision makers in multiobjective and multilevel decision making. 2nd International Conference on Management (2nd ICM 2012) Proceeding.  11-12 June 2012, Holiday Villa Beach Resort and Spa, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Page 270-285.

25.  Hong Choon Ong, Pey Chin Ho and Sin Yee Chai Yong (2013). A Bayesian Network Approach on a Domestic Travel Study.  The 2013 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications.

26. Hong Choon Ong, Shu Hui Kong and Xiang Run Tee (2013). Loan application approval using an improved Naïve Bayes Classification. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology (ICETCSIT 2013). 16-17 March 2013. Malaysia. Page 50-55.

27. Alih, Ekele and Ong, Hong Choon. (2014). The performance of robust multivariate regression in simultaneous dependence of variables in linear models. AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1605, 2014, Pages 1028-1033

28. Hamadneh, Nawaf, Sathasivam, Saratha and Choon, Ong Hong.  (2014) Computing single step operators of logic programming in radial basis function neural networks. AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1605, 2014, Pages 458-463

29. Hamadneh Nawaf, Sathasivam Saratha, Tilahun Surafel Luleseged and Choon, Ong Hong.   (2014) Satisfiability of logic programming based on radial basis function neural networks. AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1605, 2014, Pages 547-550

30. Khoo, Hee Kooi and Ong, Hong Choon (2014) Generalization of Hue in the RGB Cube Space. International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings ICSP 2014 Proceedings.  631-636.

31.  Nurul Aidha Mohd Tarimizi and Ong Hong Choon (2014) A Study on Factors that Influence Monthly Household Expendıture Amongst Educators in Serı Iskandar, Perak.   2nd International Conference on Economics, Finance and Management Outlooks 20-21 December, 2014, Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Page 1-17. 

32. Alih, Ekele and Ong, Hong Choon.  (2014) Cluster-based Multivariate Control Chart Method. Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-22. 24-26 November 2014. Hotel Grand Blue Wave, Shah Alam.

33. Kok Ban Teoh and Hong Choon Ong.  (2014)  Evaluating the Performances of Statistical and Neural Network Based Control Charts. Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-22. 24-26 November 2014. Hotel Grand Blue Wave, Shah Alam

34. Teoh, K.B. and Ong, H.C.(2015) Evaluating the performances of statistical and neural network based control charts. 22nd National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences: Strengthening Research and Collaboration of Mathematical Sciences in Malaysia. Volume 1682, 22 October 2015, 9 pages. Article number 050010

35. Hong Choon Ong, Sze Ern Yau & Josephine Ying Ying Looi (2016) A Bayesian Network Approach to Study Undergraduates’ Brand Consciousness.  2016 2th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2016) New Taipei, Taiwan. September 3-5, 2016 

36. Hee Kooi Khoo and Hong Choon Ong (2016) Salient Boundary Detection in the Gradient Spaces. 2016 2th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2016) New Taipei, Taiwan. September 3-5, 2016 

Chapter In Research Book

  1. Hong Choon Ong & Hee Kooi Khoo (2012) A design for stochastic texture classification methods in mammography calcification detection. Chapter in book entitled “Human-Centric Machine Vision”. InTech Open Access Publisher. Page 43-58. [ISBN 978-953-51-0563-3]
  2. Hong Choon Ong & Kok Ban Teoh (2014). A Study on Factors affecting Mobile Network Preferences in Penang Island using Bayesian Network. Chapter in book entitled “Research in Statistical Sciences”. School of Mathematical Sciences, USM Publisher. Pages 107-117


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