School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

General Resources

  • Nonprogrammable Calculator

    Following is the list of models for nonprogrammable and also programmable calculators. According to the rules of examination in USM, only nonprogrammable calculator can be used during the final examination or tests.

    (The 9xx series and 5xx series are equivalent, only that the 9xx series has the solar power)
    Texas Instruments
    TI-30XB MultiView 
    TI-36X Pro 
    TI-30X IIB
    Texas Instruments
    TI-84 Plus CE Python 
    TI-Nspire CX II 
    TI-Nspire CX II CAS
  • Research Methodology and Scientific Writing

    To download the presentation slides, please click on respective items below.

    Research Methodology

    Scientific Writing

  • International Students

    International Mobility& Collaboration Centre (IMCC) was previously known as the USM International Office. The IMCC will be the platform for USM International students to pursue quality higher education through various mobility programmes.

    KAWAN: a volunteer initiative set up to facilitate and assist postgraduate international students in the process of applying for as well as pursuing their academic pursuits in Universiti Sains Malaysia

    The USM International (USMi) is the family of International students of USM, which includes students from throughout the world who strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all USMites.

  • Human Research Ethics

    For more information, please refer to Human Research Ethics Committee of USM (JEPeM)

    Please click here for the following presentation slide.

  • Softwares

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel : +604 653 3284 | Fax : +604 657 0910  |  E-Mail :  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Thursday 13 February 2025.