School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Resources for Undergraduates

Here are some useful materials for our current undergraduate students. 
For more information regarding the courses that you are currently registered for, please log in to eLearning@USM.

Academic Calendar

Undergraduate Timetable

  • Programme Booklet

  • Second Year Track Choice (BSc)

    Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honours students are required to choose their track starting from the second semester of their second year. The following table details the suggested courses corresponding to your selected track.

    Track 1 (Pure)

    Year Sem 1 Sem 2

    MAT202/4 : Introduction to Analysis
    MAT263/4 : Probability Theory
    MAT203/4 : Vector Calculus


    MAT323/4 : Differential Equations II
    MAT382/4 : Introductory Numerical Methods

    *MAT363/4 : Statistical Inference

    MSS311/4 : Modern Algebra
    MSS381/2 : Mathematical Software Laboratory
    MSG328/4 : Introduction to Modelling

    4 *MSS401/4 : Complex Analysis
    *MSS415/4 : Introductory Functional Analysis
    *MSS417/4 : Coding Theory
    *MSS419/4 : Geometry
    *MSS482/4 : Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science

    MSS492/4 : Project
    MAT251/4 : Introduction to Operations Research

    *MSS402/4 : Real Analysis
    *MSS416/4 : Rings and Fields
    *MSS418/4 : Discrete Mathematics

    *Choose 16 units

    Track 2 (Applied Mathematics)

    Year Sem 1 Sem 2

    MAT263/4 : Probability Theory
    MAT203/4 : Vector Calculus
    MAT251/4 : Introduction to Operations Research


    MAT323/4 : Differential Equations II
    MAT382/4 : Introductory Numerical Methods

    ^MSG370/4 : Mathematics of Finance


    MAT202/4 : Introduction to Analysis
    MSS311/4 : Modern Algebra
    MSS381/2 : Mathematical Software Laboratory
    MSG328/4 : Introduction to Modelling

    ^MSG332/4 : Introduction to Machine Learning
    ^MSG384/4 : Introduction to Geometric Modelling

    Please pay attention to the courses you are taking, as they will become prerequisites for future courses.


    ^MSS417/4 : Coding Theory
    ^MSS419/4 : Geometry
    ^MSS482/4 : Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science
    ^MSG427/4 : Environmental Modelling
    ^MSG488/4 : Mathematical Algorithms for Computer Graphics
    ^MSG489/4 : Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

    ^MSG422/4 : Fluid Mechanics
    MSS492/4 : Project

    ^Choose 16 units

    Track 3 (Operations Research)

    Year Sem 1 Sem 2

    MAT263/4 : Probability Theory
    MAT203/4 : Vector Calculus
    MAT251/4 : Introduction to Operations Research


    MAT323/4 : Differential Equations II
    MAT382/4 : Introductory Numerical Methods

    †MAT363/4 : Statistical Inference
    †MSG352/4 : Linear and Integer Programming



    MAT202/4 : Introduction to Analysis
    MSS311/4 : Modern Algebra
    MSS381/2 : Mathematical Software Laboratory

    †MSG354/4 : Network Flows
    †MSG355/4 : Inventory Control


    †MSG453/4 : Queuing System and Simulation
    †MSG455/4 : Game Theory
    †MSG456/4 : Mathematical Programming

    MSS492/4 : Project
    MSG328/4 : Introduction to Modelling

    †Choose 16 units

    Please check prerequisite of each course.


  • Forms

  • HFF225 Philosophy and Current Issues

    Philosophy and Current Issues (HFF225)
    Semester I, Academic Session 2024/2025

    HFF225 Course Description (in Malay)

    HFF225 Course Description (in English)

    HFF225 Group Allocation 

    For enquiries regarding HFF225 supervision, kindly contact Dr Yazariah Mohd Yatim (


  • HFE224 Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban

    Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban (HFE224)
    Semester II, Sidang Akademik 2023/2024

    Deskripsi Kursus HFE224

    Agihan Kumpulan HFE224  

    Untuk sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan penyeliaan HFE224, sila hubungi Dr Yazariah Mohd Yatim (


  • MSG491 & MSS492 Final Year Project

    It is compulsory for all B. Sc. in Mathematics and B. App. Sc. students to undertake a Final Year Project (FYP). Student must be registered for the project for one semester. B. Sc. in Mathematics student need to register for MSS492/4 while B. App. Sc. students need to register for MSG491/6

    If you are undertaking an FYP in Semester 1 or 2, Academic Year 2024/2025, please refer to the following flowchart:

    FYP related Links:

    1. Fill out the form
    2. Cannot find any supervisor
    3. Submit supervision form

    The aims of the project are:

    1. to give an opportunity for students to work on a particular topic relevant to the program.
    2. to give students an introduction to the methods and experience of research, and to make them better prepared to start a research degree or work in a research and development environment.
    3. to develop students’ ability to organise their work in a substantial project.
    4. to develop students’ ability to present their work in both written and oral form.

    Below are examples of Projects carried out by former students:


    1. Proof of the Solomon’s Theorem
    2. Combinatorial Groups
    3. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
    4. Matrix Transformation
    5. Number Theory in Error Correcting Code
    6. Cryptography
    7. Watermarking in Image Authentication
    8. Artificial Immune System
    9. Pre-processing and post-processing in neural networks as applied to human face recognition

     App. Sc. (Mathematical Modeling, Computer Modeling)

    1. Wavelets in Digital Signal Processing
    2. Traffic Flow Models
    3. Environmental Modelling
    4. The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations
    5. Solution of Biharmonic Problem using Parallel Virtual Machine
    6. One Dimensional Linear Convection Equation
    7. Mathematical Modelling for Fruit Plantation Industry
    8. Design of Digital Filters
    9. Teaching and Learning Bezier Curves using Visual Basic
    10. Rendering of Curves and Surfaces using Mathematica
    11. Surface Reconstruction
    12. Fairing and Shape Preservation of Curves and Surfaces
    13. Range Restricted Curve and Surfaces Interpolation
    14. Building a Car Model
    15. An Introduction to Bezier’s World
    16. Scattered Data Interpolation
    17. Animation with 3D Studio
    18. Application of CAD Software in Drawing and Animation

    App. Sc. (Applied Statistics)

    1. Customer relationship management for K-economy using knowledge management
    2. The effect of big counters in the KL Stock Exchange composite index
    3. Calibration and MSA in Dynacraft
    4. Quality control charts for attributes
    5. Use of CPK test and hypothesis testing in industry
    6. Research in Distribution of Down’s Syndrome in Penang
    7. Application of Statistics in the Power Tool Industry
    8. Optimization of Battery Park Equipment Parameters Using Steepest Ascent and Uniform Precision Centre Composite Design
    9. A Comparison of the Performances of the R, S and S2 Control Charts
    10.  Investigating Non-Financial Factors Affecting KLSE Composite Index
    11. Time Series Analysis for Futures Contract in Malaysian Derivative Market
    12. Research in factors affecting Major Diseases in Malaysia by using Categorization Analysis Methodology
    13. Economic analysis in car production
    14. Use of quality control techniques in industry
    15. Research in Factors Affecting Marriage and Divorce Rates in South Malaysia
    16. Sample Size Determination
    17. Preventive Maintenance for Feeder
    18. Product Failure Analysis, Process Verification and Optimization
    19. To Qualify Tin Silver Copper Solder Paste for SMT Process

    App. Sc. (Mathematics and Economics)

    1. Econometric Model for Malaysian Coconut Products: Internal and External Simulation Analysis
    2.  Automobile Market Analysis in Malaysia
    3. Gross National Products in Aggregate Demand: Analysis for Malaysia
    4. The Correlations between Exchange Rates, Foreign Reserves and Foreign Indices against Kuala Lumpur Composite Index
    5. Firm Performance Analysis against Income
    6. An Inflation Analysis by Using Econometric Approach
    7. Modelling Financial Flows in the Malaysian Economy
    8. Time Series Analysis for Currency Exchange Before and After Economy Downturn
    9. Research in Financial Ratio Usage as Economic Index
    10. Time Series Analysis for Major Sectors in BSKL Main Board
    11. Malaysia’s Stock Market After the World Economic Crisis
    12. Financial Literacy among USM Students
    13. Efficiency of Foreign Exchange Markets: An ASEAN Countries Perspective
    14. Sabotage and Productivity in Tournament Competition
    15. Moral Hazard and Reciprocity in A One Short Relation in Employment Contract

    App. Sc. (Operations Research)

    1. Studies on use of Operations Research in society
    2. Traveling Salesman Problem
    3. Genetic Algorithms in Scheduling Problems
    4. Application of AHP in Tourism
    5. Analysis of Optimizing Processes in Shipping and Logistics
    6. Process Characterization
    7. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in Industry Problems
    8. The Project of Workforce Planning Tool: Worker Allocation Solver in Intel 

    Final Year Project Template:

    1. Report Cover Page
    2. Report Template

    Updated on October 2024

  • MSS492 Minor Project

    * The following information applies only to students who started at USM in Academic Session 2020/2021 or earlier. *

    Minor Project requires students to do research and/or study on a topic under the supervision of a lecturer. At the end of the course students are required to submit a report to be evaluated and also to give a presentation.

    Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 

    1. reproduce the ideas and concepts learned from reading the materials related to the research topic
    2. present clearly and efficiently the presentation on the progress and results of the research
    3. join in on a meaningful discussion of a mathematical topic
    4. practise responsibility in completing written assignments ethically
    5. display effort to investigate or search information in completing a task related to the project
    6. organize well research activities according to a stipulated timeline

    Note : Each student is required to find a supervisor individually and decide on the project topic prior to registering for the course. The student must fill-up the MINOR Project Form and submit it on E-learning after obtaining the supervisor’s signature.

    Below are examples of Projects carried out by former students:

    1. Proof of the Solomon’s Theorem
    2. Combinatorial Groups
    3. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
    4. Matrix Transformation
    5. Number Theory in Error Correcting Code
    6. Cryptography
    7. Watermarking in Image Authentication
    8. Artificial Immune System
    9. Pre-processing and post-processing in neural networks as applied to human face recognition
  • MSL399 Industrial Training

    Industrial training is optional (but encouraged) for all undergraduate students. Participation in industrial training will be stated in your academic transcript without units and grades.

    Resources for Industrial Training:

    1. Email Cover Letter
    2. Support Letter
    3. Format of Report
    4. Format of Logbook
    5. Sample of LI Report
    6. Latest companies in Penang

    Handouts from Industrial Talks :

    1. Resume Sample
    2. Effective Interview Preparation handout

    For further enquiries, please get in touch with Dr. Fam Pei Shan (

    Updated on Apr 2024

  • Minor Programme

    Minor program before Academic Session 2024/2025

    Students who wish to minor in Mathematics need to take 8 units of the following courses:


    Code & Title of Courses

    Pre-requisite Courses

    Offered in Semester

    MAA 101/4 - Calculus for Science Students I


    I & II

     MAA 111/4 - Algebra for Science Students


    I & II

    And choose 12 units from the following courses:

    Code & Title of Courses

    Pre-requisite Courses

    Offered in Semester

    MAA 102/4 - Calculus for Science Students II

    MAA 101/4 (S)


    MAA 161/4 - Statistics for Science Students


    I & II

    MAT 181/4 - Programming for Scientific Applications



    MAT 203/4 - Vector Calculus

    MAA 102/4 (S)


    MAT 223/4 - Differential Equations I

    MAA 101/4 (S)
    & MAA 111/4 (S)


    MAT 263/4 - Probability Theory

    MAA 102/4 (S)
    & MAA 161/4 (S)


    MAT 323/4 - Differential Equations II

    MAT 223/4 (S)


    MSS 311/4 - Modern Algebra

    MAA 111/4 (S)


    MSG 162/4 - Applied Statistical Methods

    MAA 161/4 (S)


    MSG 362/4 - Quality Control

    MSG 162/4 (S)
















    *S - sequential
    If MAA101, MAA102 or MAA111 is a core course in one's major programme, then other course in the minor package has to be taken to replace it.

    Minor program for SES(PPIP) since Academic Session 2022/2023

    Minor Mathematics




    MAA 101

    Calculus For Science Students 1


    MAA 111

    Algebra For Science Students


    MAA 161

    Statistics For Science Students


    *MAT 223

    Differential Equation I


    *MAA 102

    Calculus For Science Students 2


    *MAT 263

    Probability Theory


      * Choose 2 out of 3 courses

     Course Registration Suggestion


    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4

    Semester 1

    MAA 101/4

    MAA 111/4

    *MAT 223/4


    Semester 2

    MAA 161/4


    *MAT 263/4


  • Course Equivalency

    Students are not allowed to take mathematics courses which are overlapping, as shown in the table below: 

    Code & Title of Course

    Code & Title of Overlapping Courses

    MAA101/4 - Calculus for Science Students I

    IUK191/4 - Mathematics I
    ZCA110/4 - Calculus

    MAA102/4 - Calculus for Science Students II

    IUK291/4 - Mathematics II

    MAA161/4 - Statistics for Science Students

    ATW123/3 - Business Statistics
    BOI105/4 - Biostatistics
    IUK108/3 - Statistics with Computer Applications

    MAT181/4 - Programming for Scientific Applications      

    CPT111/3 - Principles of Programming
    CPM111/3 - Principles of Programming

    MAT203/4 - Vector Calculus

    ZCT112/4 - Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus

    MSG332/4 - Introduction to Machine Learning

    CPC251 - Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence
    CPM252 - Foundations and Programming for Data Analytics

    MSS401/4 - Complex Analysis      

    ZCT210/4 - Complex Analysis and Differential Equations


    As an example, a student who has taken and obtained units for BOI105 is not allowed to take MAA161. A student who has taken BOI105 is assumed to fulfil the pre-requisite for courses which have MAA161 as a pre-requisite.

    Deputy Dean's Office
    School of Mathematical Sciences

  • Co-Curricular

    For the co-curricular handbook, please refer to

    Please visit for further information. 

  • Exchange Programme

    USM offers exchange programme to other partner universities. With this programme, you are able to transfer academic credit to your current programme and exempted from paying tuition fee at that university.

    For more information, please visit

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel : +604 653 3284 | Fax : +604 657 0910  |  E-Mail :  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Thursday 13 February 2025.