School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Crafting Your Thesis: Big Why for Your Research

If you are experiencing a crisis to establish the philosophical standpoint for your PhD/ Masters thesis, this course will provide you a practical approach in finding your Big Why. Failing to identify your Big Why will lead to a confusion state for you and your examiners.

The thesis mapping approach of problem statement ➡️ research questions ➡️ objectives ➡️ motivations ➡️ methodologies that align with your Big Why will be discussed. Additionally, a soft introduction on the general concept and components involved in logic mining are also presented in the workshop.

The detail of the workshop can be found in the poster. The registration link is as follows:

Important ❗️

Participants are entitled to receive the module before the day of the course if the full payment of registration is made BY 14 January 2023 (Sunday).

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
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