School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Md Yushalify Misro (2)

IMG 8169 2


Dr. Md Yushalify Misro 
PhD Computer Aided Geometric Design, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
MSc Mathematics, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
BSc (Hons) Mathematics, Universiti Sains Malaysia..

Email:| Room No.: 034 | Phone: 04-6533658

ORCID: 0000-0001-7869-0345 |   ScopusID: 57194782898

ResearcherID: S-9309-2018  |  ResearchGate Profile

CREST-ED3GE: Evolving Design and Discrete Differential GEometry



He recently joined the School of Mathematical Sciences in 2018 after graduating from Universiti Sains Malaysia in the field of Computer Aided Geometric Design.

His research interest revolves around the area of trigonometric Bezier curves, road design and curvature continuous path planning.

Selected publications:

  1. Hu, X., Hu, G., Abbas, M., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Approximate multi-degree reduction of Q-Bézier curves via generalized Bernstein polynomial functions. Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(1), 1-16.
  2. Ammad, M., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Construction of Local Shape Adjustable Surfaces Using Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Curve. Symmetry, 12(8), 1205.
  3. BiBi, S., Abbas, M., Miura, K. T., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Geometric modeling of novel generalized hybrid trigonometric Bézier-like curve with shape parameters and its applications. Mathematics,8(6), 967.
  4. BiBi, S., Abbas, M., Misro, M. Y., & Hu, G. (2019). A Novel Approach of Hybrid Trigonometric Bézier Curve to the Modeling of Symmetric Revolutionary Curves and Symmetric Rotation Surfaces. IEEE Access, 7, 165779-165792.
  5. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2019, Dec). Construction of Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Spiral Curve. ASM Science Journal, 12(5), 208-215.
  6. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2017). Quintic trigonometric Bézier curve with two shape parameters.Sains Malaysiana, 46(5), 825-831.
  7. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., Ali, J. M., & Abd Hamid, N. N. (2017, May). Cubic trigonometric Bézier spiral curves. In 2017 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (pp. 14-20). IEEE.
  8. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., Ali, J. M., & Abd Hamid, N. N. (2017, May). Pythagorean hodograph quintic trigonometric Bézier transition curve. In 2017 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (pp. 1-7). IEEE.



         International Virtual Course Financial Mathematics ITB - USM 2021

         Road to Bandung and Joint Mathematics Seminar USM - ITB 2020 

Head of Department, Publicity and Multimedia, MathTech 2020 

Treasurer, Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling & Simulation 2019 (CoSMoS 2019): loT & Big Data Integration 

Secretariat, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Northern Region 2017

Keynote Speaker:

5th International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM 2020), Sargodha, Pakistan 

Invited Speaker: 

1st UOE International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics (CORAM 2020), Lahore, Pakistan 

6th UMT International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (UICPAM 2020), Lahore, Pakistan 

Joint Mathematics Seminar USM - 1TB (JMS USM-ITB 2020), lnstitut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia 

University of Sargodha (UoS) Research Seminar (2020), Sargodha, Pakistan 

International Conference on Modeling for Water Resources Management (M4WARM2019), Hanoi, Vietnam 

University of the Phillipines Baguio (UPB) Research Seminar (2019), Baguio, Phillipines

Editor for Springer-Nature Edited Volume (CoSMoS 2019)

Reviewer for the following research journals:

         Computers and Mathematics with Application (Elsevier)

         Mathematics (MDPI)

         Advances in Difference Equations (Elsevier)

         AIMS Mathematics (AIMS)

Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier) 

Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)

Punjab University Journal of Mathematics 

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Journal of Science and Mathematics Letters 

Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (MJMS)

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Springer-Nature)

The 25th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM25): AIP Conference Proceedings.

The 27th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM27): AIP Conference Proceedings.

International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2018 (MathTech 2018): AIP Conference Proceedings.




Teaching & Supervision

I’m looking for prospective Final Year Projects, Master and PhD students who are interested in the research of trigonometric Bézier curve, Bézier-like curve, Bi-arc interpolation, path planning, curvature continuous, surface and in related fields. 

If interested, please send an email with your latest CV to

Supervision PhD
Syed Ahmad Aidil Adha Bin Said Mad Zain, Construction of Spiral Curve using Fractional Calculus (Ongoing)
Bibi Samia, Geometric Modelling of Hybrid Trigonometric Bezier Curves and Surfaces and Their Applications to Differential Geometry. (Ongoing)
Ammad Muhammad, B-Spline Parameterization Path Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicle. (Ongoing)
Wan Zafira Ezza Binti Wan Zakaria, Shape preserving and Road Design Planning for Autonomous Driving by Rational Timmer function (Ongoing)
Douaa Mohamed Farghal Mohamed, Geometric Properties of Bezier Curves According to the One-Parameter Dual Spherical Motion. (Ongoing)
  MSc (Research) 
    Nur Hidayah Binti Mohammad Ismail (2021). TBD
    Raihanah Adawiyah Binti Shaharuddin (2021). TBD
    Anis Solehah Binti Mohd Kamarudzaman (2021). TBD
    Mohamad Naufal Bin Zainal Abidin (2021). TBD
MSc (Mixed Mode/Coursework)
Nurul Nabihah Binti Saiful Yezin, (2021) Surface Construction using Particle Swarm Optimization (Completed)
Nurul Hafiza Binti Rahamathulla, (2021) Cranofacial Reconstruction using Genetic Algorithm (Completed)
Muhammad Adam Bin Abdullah, (2021) Solving Shortest Path Problem for Road Map (Completed)
Noor Ameera Anas Binti Renie, (2019) Curvature Analysis of Quintic Trigonometric Bezier Curve on Highway Design Approximation (Completed)
Ahmad Alif Saufi Bin Janal, (2021) Minor Project, Qibla Direction using Spherical Geometry (Completed)
Rabiatul Adawiah Binti Mohd Fadzar, (2021) Minor Project, Construction of Brachistochrone Curve using Bézier Curve (Completed)
Anis Solehah Binti Mohd Kamarudzaman, (2021) Final Year Project, Gaussian and Mean Curvature Biquintic Trigonometric Bézier Surface (Completed)
Nurul Huda Binti Mohamad Nasir, (2021) Final Year Project, Gaussian and Mean Curvature Biquintic Trigonometric Bézier Surface (Completed)
Ain Fadzlina Binti Abdullah, (2021) Final Year Project, Mesh Generations of Polyhedron (Completed)
Nur Su'aidah Binti Zaidi, (2021) Final Year Project, Mesh Generations of Polyhedron (Completed)
Syed Ahmad Aidil Adha Bin Said Mad Zain, (2020) Minor Project, Construction of Quadratic Bezier Curve using Fractional Calculus (Completed)
Mohamad Naufal Bin Zainal Abidin, (2020)Minor Project, Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer using Finite Element Method (Completed)
Raihanah Adawiyah Binti Shaharuddin, (2020) Minor Project, Traffic Simulation using Agent Based Modelling (Completed)
Siti Zuhairah Binti Zaini Azlan @ Zaimi Azlan, (2020) Minor Project, Construction of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Scheme (Completed)
Muhammad Syazwan Bin Safaruddin, (2019) Minor Project, Path Planning Using Bézier Curve (Completed)
Nur Hidayah Binti Mohammad Ismail, (2019) Minor Project, Implementation of Trigonometric Bézier (Completed)
Sarah Batrisyia Binti Zainal Adnan, (2019) Final Year Project, Curve Fitting Using Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Curve (Completed)
Anis Aqilah Binti Mohd Ariffin, (2019) Final Year Project, Curve Fitting Using Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Curve (Completed)
Teaching Courses
MSS419 Geometry
MSG381 Modeling Laboratory I
MAT181 Programming for Scientific Applications
MSG384 Introduction to Geometric Modelling
    MAT516 Curve and Surface Methods for CAGD

Research Publications

Published papers:

  1. Shaharuddin, R. A & Misro, M. Y. (2021) Traffic Simulation using Agent Based Modelling. AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2423, No. 1, p. 020035). AIP Publishing LLC. 
  2. BiBi, S.; Misro, M.Y.; Abbas, M.; Majeed, A.; Nazir, T. (2021) G3 Shape Adjustable GHT-Bézier Developable Surfaces and Their Applications. Mathematics , 9(19), 2350.
  3. Zain, S. A. A. S. M., Misro, M. Y. & Miura, K.T. (2021) Generalized Fractional Bezier Curve with Shape Parameters. Mathematics, 9(17), 2141.
  4. Bibi, S., Abbas, M., Misro, M. Y., Majeed, A., & Nazir, T. (2021) Construction of Generalized Hybrid Trigonometric Bezier Surfaces with Shape Parameters and their Applications. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 1-25.
  5. Mohd, M. H., Misro, M. Y., Ahmad, S., & Ngoc, D. N, (2021) Modelling, Simulation and Applications of Complex Systems. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Springer.
  6. BiBi, S., Misro, M. Y. & Abbas, M. (2021) Smooth Path Planning via Cubic GHT-Bezier Spiral Curve Based on Shortest Distance, Bending Energy and Curvature Variation Energy. AIMS Mathematics. 6(8), 8625-8641.
  7. Majeed, A., Kamran, M., Abbas, M., & Misro, M. Y., (2021)  An Efficient Numerical Scheme for the Simulation of non-homogeneous BBM Burger Model. Physica Scripta, 96(8), 084002.
  8. Majeed, A., Abbas, M., Sittar, A. A., Misro, M. Y. & Kamran, M., (2021) Airplane Designing using Quadratic Trigonometric B-spline with Shape Parameters. AIMS Mathematics, 6(7), 7669-7683.
  9. Othman, N. A., Reif, U., Ramli, A., Misro, M. Y., (2021) Manoeuvring Speed Estimation of a Lane-Change System using Geometric Hermite Interpolation. Ain Shams Engineering Journal. 
  10. Safaruddin, M. S., & Misro, M. Y., (2021) Multi-Objectives Path Planning using Bézier Curve. Malaysian Journal Of Mathematical Sciences. 15(1), 45-59.
  11. Ammad, M., Misro, M.Y., Abbas, M., & Majeed, A. (2021) Generalized Developable Cubic Trigonometric Bézier Surfaces. Mathematics, 9(3), 283.
  12. Majeed, A., Abbas, M., Qayyum, F., Miura, K. T., Misro, M. Y., & Nazir, T. (2020) Geometric Modeling using new Cubic Trigonometric B-spline Functions with Shape Parameter. Mathematics, 8(12), 2102.
  13. Adnan, S. B. Z., Ariffin, A. A. M., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Curve Fitting using Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Curve. AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2266, No. 1, p. 040009). AIP Publishing LLC. 
  14. Ismail, N. H. M. & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Surface Construction using Trigonometric Bézier Curve. AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2266, No. 1, p. 040012). AIP Publishing LLC. 
  15. Hu, X., Hu, G., Abbas, M., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Approximate multi-degree reduction of Q-Bézier curves via generalized Bernstein polynomial functions.Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(1), 1-16.
  16. Ammad, M., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Construction of Local Shape Adjustable Surfaces Using Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Curve. Symmetry, 12(8), 1205.
  17. BiBi, S., Abbas, M., Miura, K. T., & Misro, M. Y. (2020). Geometric modeling of novel generalized hybrid trigonometric Bézier-like curve with shape parameters and its applications. Mathematics, 8(6), 967.
  18. BiBi, S., Abbas, M., Misro, M. Y., & Hu, G. (2019). A Novel Approach of Hybrid Trigonometric Bézier Curve to the Modeling of Symmetric Revolutionary Curves and Symmetric Rotation Surfaces. IEEE Access,7, 165779-165792.
  19. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2019, Dec). Construction of Quintic Trigonometric Bézier Spiral Curve. ASM Science Journal, 12(5), 208-215.
  20. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2019, July). Extended analysis of dynamic parameters on cubic trigonometric Bézier transition curves. In 2019 23rd International Conference in Information Visualization–Part II (pp. 141-146). IEEE.
  21. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Hoe, L. K. (2019, December). Determining degree of road elevation using spatial Bézier curve. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2184, No. 1, p. 060043). AIP Publishing LLC.
  22. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2018, June). Quintic trigonometric Bézier curve and its maximum speed estimation on highway designs. In AIP Conference Proceedings  (Vol. 1974, No. 1, p. 020089). AIP Publishing LLC. 
  23. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2017). Quintic trigonometric Bézier curve with two shape parameters. Sains Malaysiana,46(5), 825-831.
  24. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2017, August). S-shaped and c-shaped transition curve using cubic trigonometric Bézier. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1870, No. 1, p. 050005). AIP Publishing LLC.
  25. Ibrahim, M. F., Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2017, August). Maximum safe speed estimation using planar quintic Bézier curve with C2 continuity. InAIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1870, No. 1, p. 050006). AIP Publishing LLC.
  26. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., Ali, J. M., & Abd Hamid, N. N. (2017, May). Cubic trigonometric Bézier spiral curves. In 2017 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (pp. 14-20). IEEE.
  27. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., Ali, J. M., & Abd Hamid, N. N. (2017, May). Pythagorean hodograph quintic trigonometric Bézier transition curve. In 2017 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  28. Misro, M. Y., Ramli, A., & Ali, J. M. (2015). Approximating maximum speed on road from curvature information of Bézier curve. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9(12), 705-712.

Conferences & Symposiums


2020 5th International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM 2020)
 Sargodha, Pakistan (Keynote Speaker).
1st UOE International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics (CORAM 2020)
Lahore, Pakistan (Invited Speaker).
6th UMT International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (UICPAM 2020)
Lahore, Pakistan (Invited Speaker).
Joint Mathematics Seminar USM – ITB 2020 (JMS USM-ITB 2020)
Bandung, Indonesia (Invited Speaker).
International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics 2020 (ICRAAM2020)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Contributed Talk).
Research Seminar, University of Sargodha
Sargodha, Pakistan, (Invited Speaker).
 2019 International Conference on Modeling for Water Resources Management (M4WARM2019), 
Hanoi, Vietnam (Invited Speaker).
27th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM27)
Bangi, Malaysia (Contributed Talk).
The 2nd International Workshop on Mathematical Biology (IWOMB 2019)
Bohol, Phillipines (Participant).
Research Seminar, University of the Phillipines Baguio
Baguio, Phillipines (Invited Speaker).
2nd International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2019 (ICoAIMS 2019)
Kuantan, Pahang, (Contributed Talk).
16th International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGiV2019)
Adelaide, Australia (Contributed Talk).
Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling & Simulation 2019 (CoSMoS 2019)
Penang, Malaysia (Participant).
Workshop on 2D Finite Element Method
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia (Participant)
 2018 International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2018 (MathTech 2018)
Penang, Malaysia (Contributed Talk).
Workshop on Persistent Homology
Bangi, Malaysia (Participant).
SEAMS School 2018 on Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Analysis (SEAMS DySBA 2018)
Penang, Malaysia (Participant).
SEAMS School 2018 on Partial Differential Equations and their Applications (SEAMS PDE 2018)
Mandalay, Myanmar (Participant).
 2017 25th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM25)
Kuantan, Malaysia (Contributed Talk).
14th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGiV2017)
Marrakech, Morocco (Contributed Talk).
2016 24th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM24)
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu (Contributed Talk).
2015 World Academy of Science and Technology (WASET 2015)
Bangkok, Thailand (Contributed Talk).

Research Grant/Project

1. ED3GE - Evolving Design and Discrete Differential GEometry. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - CREST Grant. 2019 - 2025.

2. A Novel Travel Time Prediction Model based on Geometric Properties of a Road. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). 7th September 2021 - 6th September 2024.

3. A New Generalized Developable Trigonometric Bézier Surface using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). 1st November 2020 - 31th October 2023.

4. Enhancing Path’s Smoothness and Distance for a Mobile Robot by fusing Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) and Cubic Bezier Curve. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). 1st November 2020 - 31th October 2023.

5. Spatial Quintic Trigonometric Bezier Curve for Safe Speed Estimation. USM Short Term Grant (USM STG). 15th December 2018 - 14th December 2020. (Completed and KPI Achieved)

6. Design Speed Approximation Using Bezier Curve For Road Safety. Research University Grant (RUI). 1st March 2017 - 29th February 2020. (Completed and KPI Achieved)


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