School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Adam Baharum



Assoc. Prof. Adam Baharum
MSc Operations Research, Western Michigan University
BSc Mathematics (Statistics) and Economics, Western Michigan University

Email: | Room No.: 121 | Phone: 04-6533942




        Been invited speaker to local, regional and international conferences. Also selected to be on the scientific committee for several regional and international conferences. I invited as a keynote speaker for ICMSA in 2012. Appointed as the external examiner for PhD and Masters theses to local and overseas universities. Appointed as an internal examiner for Masters and PhD theses to mathematics and other schools within USM as well. Was among the founder member of the Management Science/Operations Research Society of Malaysia (MSORSM).
Honoured to be on the editorial board of a few journals as well as appointed as referees for a number of journal papers and publications.

Have held position as head and chairman of various academic and non- academic committees. Appointed as chairperson of a number of national, regional and international conferences.


Selected publications:

  1. A Pruned Pareto Set for Multi-objective Optimization Problems via Particle Swarm
    and Simulated Annealing, International Journal Of Operations Research, 2016
  2. Automatic Clustering Using Multi-objective Particle Swarm and Simulated Annealing, 2015
  3. The Effect of Simulation Parameters on the Selection Approach, Int. J. Open Problems Computational Math., 2014 
  4. A case study of reliability and performance of the electric power distribution station based on time between failures, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013
  5. The Performance of High-Power Station Based on Time Between Failures (TBF), Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2012
  6. A Quantitative Approach of Identifying Major Cost Influencing Factors in Palm Oil Mills and the Relations towards Production Cost of Crude Palm Oil, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2011
  7. Three-Stage Selection Approach with the Initial Simulation Sample Size, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2011
  8. The Analysis of Transitions in Economic Performance Using Covariate Dependent Statistical Models, Journal of Developing Areas, 2007
  9. Portfolio resampling in Malaysian equity market, published in Journal of Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Journal of Development Analysis, 2006

Research Interest:

  1. Reliability and Maintenance Modeling
  2. Inventory Models
  3. Mathematical Programming and Optimization



Lake Toba 2014



Class reunion, HSBP



Lake Superior, Marquette, Michigan USA

Teaching and Supervision



Course Code

Course Name



Game Theory



Inventory Control



Linear and Integer Programming



Mathematical Programming



Operations Research Laboratory



Introduction to Operations Research



Introduction to Statistics



Operations Research







Ahmad Asad Awad Abubaker

Automatic Multi-Objective Clustering Algorithm Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization With Simulated Annealing

Faris Mahdi Alwan

Modelling Interruptions Of Electric Power Distribution Stations Using Markov Model

Zul Amry

Bayesian Forecasting Model For Inflation Data

Mohammad Hani Mufleh Almomani

A New Selection Procedure for Large Scale Problems

Currently supervising 5 PhD students


Siti Nurleena  Abu  Mansor

Stochastic Financial Modeling of Economies

Elaine Lau Ying Man

Varying Lot Size Model with Equal and Unequal Sized Batch and Varying Numbers of Batches for Multi-Stage Production in Palm Oil Mill

Mahmuod Roweda Mohammed Ali

Simulation of a Composite Queuing Model of the Entrance and Exit of Pilgrims from Al-Masjid Al-Haram

Mahanim Omar

Genetic Algorithm Model and Job Shop Application

Ng Hou Guan

Multi-Product Multi Cycle Inventory Modeling


Has supervised many final year student projects and industrial trainings.


Research Grants

  1. Some Fundamental Issues Concerning Longtitudinal Models: Theory and Applications, FRGS 2007-2010
  2. Models for Mutiple Modes of Failure in Solving Optimization Problems in Operations, FRGS 2007-2009
  3. A Transition Model for Autoregressive Process, FRGS 2007-2009
  4. Cycle Time Minimization with Sequence Dependent Set Up Times for Production Scheduling in a Multi-Stage Multi-product Serial Production Inventory System, FRGS, 2002 – 2004
  5. Models for Repeated Measures : Some Theoretical Extensions, FRGS, 2002 – 2004

As co-researcher:

  1. Development of computer board for the UTM AMIR processor, LRGS 2012-2014
  2. Hajj Research: Hajj Best Practices Through Advances in Science and Technology, 2008-2013
  3. Landslide Risk Assessment Model, Mitigation And Information Management - ICT Management In Landslide Hazard - Landslide Management, Information Dissemination And Policy, IRPA 2007-2010
  4. Sto chastic Optimization for Financial Decision Making, FRGS, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Adam Baharum, Ruhani Ali. 2002 –2004
  5. Tinjauan Penggunaan Statistik dan Penyelidikan Operasi Dalam Firma dan Agensi-Agensi dan (b) Pembinaan Sistem Membantu Keputusan, IRPA 1991- 1993


1.      A processor model using a large linear registers, with new interfacing signals supporting FIFO-based I/O port, and interrupt-driven burst transfers eliminating DMA, bridges, and external I/O bus, Malaysia IPO (2012), USA (2014), Germany (2014), Korea (2014).

2.      A homogenous device access method which removes physical device drivers in a computer operating system, Malaysia IPO (2012), USA (2014), Germany (2014), Korea (2014).

3.      An interrupt-driven I/O arbiter for a microcomputer system, Malaysia IPO (2012), USA (2014), Germany (2014), Korea (2014).

Possible Research Title

  1. Inventory and Maintenance Modelling
  2. Multiple Modes of Failure in Operations
  3. Mathematical Modelling and Optimization

List of publications:

Published papers:

  1. Abubaker, A., Baharum, A., and Alrefaei, M., Multiobjective Particle Swarm and Simulated Annealing in Practice, Applied Mathematical Sciences (Accepted)
  2. Abubaker, A., Baharum, A., and Alrefaei, M., A Pruned Pareto Set for Multi-objective Optimization Problems via Particle Swarm and Simulated Annealing, International Journal of Operations Research (accepted)
  3. Zul Amry and Adam Baharum, Bayesian Multiperiod Forecasting for ARMA Model Under Jeffrey’s Prior, MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS, 2015, 3(3), 3, 6
  4. Abubaker, A., Baharum, A., and Alrefaei, M., Automatic Clustering Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm and Simulated Annealing, Public Library of Science One 10(7), e0130995, 2015
  5. Ghazali, M.A.S., Ali, Z., Noor, N.M., Baharum, A., Multinomial Logistic Regression Modelling of Obesity and Overweight among Primary School Students in a Rural Area of Negeri Sembilan, AIUP Conference Proceedings 1682, 050006 (2015); Doi: 10.1063/1.4932497
  6. Mohammad H. Almomani, Rosmanjawati Abdul Rahman, Adam Baharum, S. Alwadi, Faisal Ababneh, The Effect of Simulation Parameters on the Selection Approach, Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., Vol. 7, No. 2, ISSN 1998-6262, 2014     
  7. Ahmad Abubaker, Adam Baharum and Mahmoud Alrefaei, Good solution for multi-objective optimization problem, AIP Conf. Proc. 1605 , 1147 (2014) 
  8. Wan Muhamad Amir W. Ahmad , Nor Azlida Aleng, Nurfadhlina Halim, Mustafa Mamat, Mohd Pouzi Hamzah, Adam Baharum and Zalila Ali, A Comparative and Comprehensive Analysis of Perinatal and Neonatal Death Using Repeated Measurement: A Malaysia Case Study, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014   
  9. Nur Hanim Mohd Salleh, Zalila Ali, Norlida Mohd. Noor, Adam Baharum, Ahmad Ramli Saad, Husna Mahirah Sulaiman and Wan Muhamad Amir W. Ahmad, Modelling the breeding of Aedes Albopictus species in an urban area in Pulau Pinang using polynomial regression, AIP Conf. Proc. 1605 , 844 (2014) ;
  10. Ainur Amira Kamaruddin, Zalila Ali, Norlida Mohd. Noor, Adam Baharum and Wan Muhamad Amir W. Ahmad, Modelling of binary logistic regression for obesity among secondary students in a rural area of Kedah, AIP Conf. Proc. 1605 , 856 (2014) ;
  11. Adam Baharum, F.M. Alwan, Saad Talib Hasson, A Case Study of Reliability and Performance of the Electric Power Distribution Station Based on Time Between Failures, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013 (2013), 6 pages
  12. F.M. Alwan, Adam Baharum, Saad Talib Hasson,  The Performance of High-power Station Based on Time Between Failures (TBF), Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(13):3489-3498, 2013, 10 pages
  13. F.M. Alwan, Adam Baharum, G.S. Hasson, Reliability Measurement for Mixed Mode failures of Electric Power Distribution Stations, Public Library of Science One, August 1 2013, 12 Pages
  14. Mohammad H. Almomani, Rosmanjawati Abdul Rahman, Adam Baharum and Mahmoud H. Alrefaei, A selection approach for solving buffer allocation problem , International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 7(3), pp. 413 - 422, 16 January, 2012
  15. Faris Mahdi Alwan, Adam Baharum, Saad Talib Hasson,  The p.d.f. fitting to time between failure for high power stations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 127, 6327 - 6339.
  16. Hend A. A. Houssein, Mohamad S. Jaafar, Zalila Ali and Adam Baharum, Correlations between Lymphocytes, Mid-Cell Fractions and Granulocytes with Human Blood Characteristics Using Low Power Carbon Dioxide Laser Radiation, Modern Applied Science Vol. 6, No. 3; March 2012
  17. Faris Mahdi Alwan, Adam Baharum, Saad Talib Hasson,  The Performance of High-Power Station Based on Time Between Failures (TBF), accepted, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
  18. Mohammad H. Almomani, Adam Baharum and Rosmanjawati Abdul Rahman,  Three-Stage Selection Approach with the Initial Simulation Sample Size, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 72 No. 2, 2011 pp 159-172
  19. H. Almomani, Rosmanjawati Abdul Rahman and Adam Baharum  Selecting a Good Enough Stochastic Design, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 53, No. 2, 2011, pp123-131
  20. Elaine Lau Ying Man and Adam Baharum, A Quantitative Approach of Identifying Major Cost Influencing Factors in Palm Oil Mills and the Relations towards Production Cost of Crude Palm Oil, American Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (5): 441-446, 2011
  21. Almomani, M. H., Abdul Rahman, R. and Baharum, A. (2011). Four–stage selection approach with the initial sample size, The 2nd symposium of the USM fellowship holders 2011
  22. Almomani, M. H., Abdul Rahman, R. and Baharum, A. (2011). The effect of simulation  parameters on the selection approach, Submitted to Computational Management Science.
  23. Almomani, M. H., Abdul Rahman, R., Baharum, A. and Alrefaei, M. H. (2011). A selection approach for solving the buffer allocation problem, Submitted to Journal of the Operational Research Society. accept ed for publication International Journal of the Physical Sciences, it is ISI and impact factor journal (impact factor 0.534).
  24. Hend A. A. Houssein, Mohamad S. Jaafar, Zalila Ali, and Adam Baharum. Study of White Blood Cell in Relation with Age and Gender using Low Power Helium – Neon Laser  Irradiation, Biophysical Reviews and Letters, “under review”, 2011
  25. Freddy Mora Poblete, Carlos Alberto Scapim, Adam Baharum, and Antonio Teixeira do Amaral Junior, Generalized composite interval mapping offers improved efficiency in the analysis of loci influencing non-normal continuous traits, Cienca Investigacion Agraria, September – December 2010, pp83-89 Vol. 37(3)
  26. Adam Baharum and M. Ataharul Islam, The Analysis of Transitions in Economic Performance Using Covariate Dependent Statistical Models, Journal of Developing Areas, Spring 2010, pp289-298 Vol, 43 No. 2

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Good solution for multi-objective optimization problem, SKSM22, 2014
  2. Cooling Schedule for Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Statistics and Operational Research International Conference, SORIC, 2013.
  3. Health and Wealth of Nations: A Statistical Analysis, International Conference on Robust Statistics, ICORS08, 7-12 September 2008, Antalya, Turkey
  4. The Preliminary Study on Landslide Prediction Model in Malaysia, ICL Conference, 17-19 November 2008, Tokyo, Japan
  5. The Analysis of Transitions in Economic Performance Using Covariate Dependent Markov Model, Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2004 




Interest & Hobbies:

Cars, travelling and outdoors.

Training & Conferences:

Summer Research in Chester UK.

Summer Research Seminar in Eindhoven, Holland.

IATSS Forum (Honda Motor Company)

Been to various conferences, worldwide.

Community Services:

Appointed as chairman for the evaluation of textbooks.
Appointed as a subject expert panel member of a private college.

Appointed as an exam question designer on operations research.

Appointed as assessor for Operations Research programme of a private university.

Appointed as referree for academic promotion from other universities.

Bodies & Professional:

Vice President of MSORSM (Management Science/Operations Research Society of Malaysia)

Life Member MSORSM

Life Member of PERSAMA (Mathematical Sciences Society of Malaysia)

Member of ISM (Institute of Statistics Malaysia)


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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
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