School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia


The School of Mathematical Sciences was established on May 29, 1974. As with the other Science Schools, the School offers the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Applied Science degrees. In addition, the School is also involved in the Bachelor of Science with Education and Bachelor of Education degrees.

The Bachelor of Science and Applied Science programmes were formulated in an effort to produce graduates who are well-trained in the Mathematical Sciences to meet the nation’s manpower needs. The curriculum was devised so as to provide a broad-based and rigorous mathematics education. The skills obtained at the end of the program will provide a firm foundation to enable the graduate to further advance their knowledge in the Mathematical Sciences and provide specialized and solid applied mathematical sciences education.


USM Institutional Educational Goal (IEG) aims to produce graduates that are able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills, especially in their professional discipline with global mindset using critical thinking and problem-solving approaches.
  2. Exhibit balanced attributes of altruistic values and attitudes, ethics and professionalism, scientific thinking, arts and humanity toward good citizenry and nation building.
  3. Demonstrate socio-entrepreneurial skills and mindset, capable of contributing to the wellbeing of society in bridging inequality and enhancing sustainability.
  4. Communicate effectively and with confidence, encompassing intra-and inter-disciplines, society and technology.
  5. Demonstrate leadership, teamwork skills and practice lifelong learning, especially in their professional discipline.

Our Programmes

  • Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honours
  • Applied Statistics
    Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Statistics with Honours
  • Mathematics and Economics
    Bachelor of Applied Science in Mathematics and Economics with Honours

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honours

    The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honours programme is formulated in an effort to produce graduates who are well-trained in the Mathematical Sciences to meet the nation’s workforce needs. The curriculum is devised so as to provide a broad-based and rigorous mathematics education. The skills obtained at the end of the program will provide a firm foundation for the graduates to further advance their knowledge in Mathematical Sciences.

    This program provides a solid foundation in the various areas of mathematics: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Operations Research. It is suitable for those who wish to further their studies to a higher level.

    Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

    1. Knowledgeable and technically competent in mathematics discipline in line with the market demand.
    2. Capable of solving mathematical problems analytically and critically, and proficient in digital and numeracy skills.
    3. Demonstrate good leadership, entrepreneurship and effective communication skill for successful career development.
    4. Practise righteous ethical values and show exemplary personal and interpersonal attributes in self and collaborative development.

    Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    1. Evaluate and explain fundamental knowledge of mathematics and applied mathematics in various activities.
    2. Identify and analyse problems to formulate solutions using logical reasoning, critical thinking and scientific skills.
    3. Perform techniques and skills using appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems.
    4. Develop effective teamwork skill in completing various tasks.
    5. Practise effective communications in oral or written form as an individual or in a group.
    6. Solve mathematical problems using digital approaches.
    7. Choose appropriate mathematical approaches in providing precise and accurate computational solutions.
    8. Display leadership and responsibility for individual and group work.
    9. Adapt with relevant skills of lifelong learning for continuous self–improvement.
    10. Organise innovative approach in various tasks.
    11. Practise appropriate values and professionalism at all times.

    PEO-IEG & PLO-IEG Mapping

    A student has to take the following courses:

    • Mathematical Foundations
    • Calculus
    • Linear Algebra
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Programming for Scientific Applications
    • Advanced Calculus
    • Introduction to Analysis
    • Vector Calculus
    • Differential Equations I
    • Introduction to Operations Research
    • Probability Theory
    • Further Linear Algebra
    • Modern Algebra
    • Differential Equations II
    • Introduction to Modelling
    • Mathematical Software Laboratory
    • Introductory Numerical Methods
    • Project

    and selected elective courses in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Operations Research as in the following tracks


    • Statistical Inference
    • Complex Analysis
    • Real Analysis
    • Introductory Functional Analysis
    • Rings and Fields
    • Coding Theory
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Geometry
    • Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science


    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Mathematics of Finance
    • Introduction to Geometric Modelling
    • Geometry
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Environmental Modelling
    • Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science
    • Mathematical Algorithms for Computer Graphics
    • Numerical Methods for Differential Equations


    • Linear and Integer Programming
    • Network Flows
    • Inventory Control
    • Statistical Inference
    • Queuing System and Simulation
    • Game Theory
    • Mathematical Programming
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Statistics with Honours

    The program goal is to produce competent Statisticians who are able to conduct research and development in industries as well as in the service sector. In this program, students are given training that focuses on the application of statistics in areas such as management, medicine, finance and data analysis. Computer skills in analyzing data (for example: financial, industrial and medical data) and making appropriate decisions and conclusions in solving problems are also given emphasis.

    Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

    1. Knowledgeable and technically competent in statistics discipline in line with the market demand.
    2. Capable of solving statistical problems analytically and critically, and proficient in digital and numeracy skills.
    3. Demonstrate good leadership, entrepreneurship and effective communication skill for successful career development.
    4. Practise righteous ethical values and show exemplary personal and interpersonal attributes in self and collaborative development.

    Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    1. Evaluate and explain fundamental knowledge of statistics and applied statistics in various activities.
    2. Identify and analyse problems to formulate solutions using logical reasoning, critical thinking and scientific skills.
    3. Perform techniques and skills using appropriate tools to solve statistical problems.
    4. Develop effective teamwork skill in completing various tasks.
    5. Practise effective communications in oral or written form as an individual or in a group.
    6. Solve statistical problems using digital approaches.
    7. Choose appropriate statistical approaches in providing precise and accurate computational solutions.
    8. Display leadership and responsibility for individual and group work.
    9. Adapt with relevant skills of lifelong learning for continuous self–improvement.
    10. Organise innovative approach in various tasks.
    11. Practise appropriate values and professionalism at all times.

    PEO-IEG & PLO-IEG Mapping

    The list of core and elective courses: 

    • Mathematical Foundations
    • Calculus
    • Linear Algebra
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Applied Statistical Methods
    • Programming for Scientific Applications
    • Advanced Calculus
    • Differential Equations I
    • Probability Theory
    • Non-Parametric Statistics
    • Design and Analysis of Experiments 
    • Statistical Laboratory
    • Statistical Inference
    • Sample Survey and Sampling Technique
    • Survival Analysis
    • Multivariate Analysis
    • Time Series Analysis 
    • Regression Analysis
    • Project
    • Introduction to Operations Research
    • Inventory Control 
    • Quality Control 
    • Mathematics of Finance 
    • Queuing System and Simulation
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Mathematics and Economics with Honours

    The objective of this program is to produce graduates who have expertise in Mathematics and Economics and are able to apply mathematics in economics (analysis, planning, policy formulation etc.). Among the courses that will be taught are Applied Statistics, Queuing Theory, Monetary Economics, International Trade and International Economics.

    Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

    1. Knowledgeable and technically competent in mathematics and economics discipline in line with the market demand.
    2. Capable of solving mathematics and economics problems analytically and critically, and proficient in digital and numeracy skills.
    3. Demonstrate good leadership, entrepreneurship and effective communication skill for successful career development.
    4. Practise righteous ethical values and show exemplary personal and interpersonal attributes in self and collaborative development.

    Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    1. Evaluate and explain fundamental knowledge of mathematics and economics in various activities.
    2. Identify and analyse problems to formulate solutions using logical reasoning, critical thinking and scientific skills.
    3. Perform techniques and skills using appropriate tools to solve mathematics and economics problems.
    4. Develop effective teamwork skill in completing various tasks.
    5. Practise effective communications in oral or written form as an individual or in a group.
    6. Solve mathematics and economics problems using digital approaches.
    7. Choose appropriate statistical approaches in providing precise and accurate computational solutions.
    8. Display leadership and responsibility for individual and group work.
    9. Adapt with relevant skills of lifelong learning for continuous self–improvement.
    10. Organise innovative approach in various tasks.
    11. Practise appropriate values and professionalism at all times.

    PEO-IEG & PLO-IEG Mapping

    The list of core and elective courses: 

    • Mathematical Foundations
    • Calculus
    • Linear Algebra
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Applied Statistical Methods
    • Programming for Scientific Applications
    • Advanced Calculus
    • Differential Equations I
    • Introduction to Operations Research
    • Probability Theory
    • Statistical Laboratory
    • Statistical Inference
    • Operations Research Laboratory
    • Project
    • Introduction of Economic Issues
    • Microeconomics 
    • Macroeconomics
    • Intermediate Microeconomics 
    • Intermediate Macroeconomics 
    • History of Economics
    • Malaysian Economy
    • Basic Econometrics
    • Economics of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives 
    • Development Economics
    • Labour Economics
    • Islamic Economics
    • Behavioral Economics
    • Money, Banking and Financial Markets
    • Public Sector Economics I
    • Environmental and Natural Resources Economics 
    • Economic Planning and Project Analysis
    • International Trade
    • Monetary Economics
    • Public Sector Economics II
    • International Finance
    • Applied Economics
    • Mathematics of Finance 
    • Game Theory
    • Mathematical Programming
    • Time Series Analysis

    This program is no longer offered since Academic Year 2020/2021

    This goal of the program aims to produce competent Applied Mathematicians who are able to conduct research and development in industries as well as the service sector. In this program, students are given training that focuses on the applications of mathematics in the areas of science and engineering. Development of mathematical and computer modelling skills are given emphasis.

    Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

    1. Knowledgeable and technically competent in mathematical modelling in line with the market demand.

    2. Capable of solving modelling problems analytically and critically, and proficient in digital and numeracy skills.

    3. Demonstrate good leadership, entrepreneurship and effective communication skill for successful career development.

    4. Practise righteous ethical values and show exemplary personal and interpersonal attributes in self and collaborative development.

    Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    1. Evaluate and explain fundamental knowledge of mathematics and applied mathematics in various activities.

    2. Perform techniques and skills using appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems.

    3. Identify and analyse problems to formulate solutions using logical reasoning, critical thinking and scientific skills.

    4. Practise effective communications in oral or written form as an individual or in a group.

    5. Develop effective teamwork skill in completing various tasks.

    6. Practise appropriate values and professionalism at all times.

    7. Adapt with relevant skills of lifelong learning for continuous self–improvement.

    8. Organise innovative approach in various tasks.

    9. Display leadership and responsibility for individual and group work.

    10. Solve mathematical problems using digital approaches.

    11. Choose appropriate mathematical approaches in providing precise and accurate computational solutions.

    List of core and elective courses: 

    • Mathematical Foundations
    • Calculus
    • Linear Algebra
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Applied Statistical Methods
    • Programming for Scientific Applications
    • Advanced Calculus
    • Differential Equations I
    • Probability Theory
    • Differential Equations II
    • Introduction to Modelling
    • Modelling Laboratory I
    • Introductory Numerical Methods
    • Modelling Laboratory II
    • Introduction to Geometric Modelling
    • Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
    • Project
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Environmental Modelling
    • Finite Element Methods
    • Mathematical Algorithms for Computer Graphics

    This program is no longer offered since Academic Year 2021/2022

    This program aims to produce competent Operations Research (or Management Mathematics) personnel who are capable of conducting research and development in both industries and service sectors. In this program, students are given training in the use of operations research techniques in areas such as logistics management, transportation, planning and banking. Problem-solving skills are given special attention and computer skills in are used analyzing data (for example, management and logistics data), and optimizing solutions are also emphasized. Click here for more information about Operation Research. 

    Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

    1. Knowledgeable and technically competent in operations research in line with the market demand.

    2. Capable of solving optimization problems analytically and critically, and proficient in digital and numeracy skills.

    3. Demonstrate good leadership, entrepreneurship and effective communication skill for successful career development.

    4. Practise righteous ethical values and show exemplary personal and interpersonal attributes in self and collaborative development.

    Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    1. Evaluate and explain fundamental knowledge of mathematics and applied mathematics in various activities especially in operations research field.

    2. Perform techniques and skills using appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems related to operations research.

    3. Identify and analyse problems to formulate solutions using logical reasoning, critical thinking and scientific skills.

    4. Practise effective communications in oral or written form as an individual or in a group.

    5. Develop effective teamwork skill in completing various tasks.

    6. Practise appropriate values and professionalism at all times.

    7. Adapt with relevant skills of lifelong learning for continuous self–improvement.

    8. Organise innovative approach in various tasks.

    9. Display leadership and responsibility for individual and group work.

    10. Solve optimization problems using digital approaches.

    11. Choose appropriate mathematical approaches in providing precise and accurate computational solutions.

    List of core and elective courses: 

    • Mathematical Foundations
    • Calculus
    • Linear Algebra
    • Elementary Statistics
    • Applied Statistical Methods
    • Programming for Scientific Applications
    • Advanced Calculus
    • Differential Equations I
    • Introduction to Operations Research
    • Probability Theory
    • Statistical Laboratory
    • Linear and Integer Programming
    • Network Flows
    • Inventory Control
    • Statistical Inference
    • Operations Research Laboratory
    • Queueing System and Simulation 
    • Mathematical Programming
    • Project
    • Design and Analysis of Experiments
    • Mathematics of Finance 
    • Game Theory
    • Time Series Analysis
    • Regression Analysis

  • Student Life

    There are various activities available for USM students. There are many societies offering many programs for a vibrant student life. The school of Mathematical Sciences offers its own Mathematics Society of USM.

    Our recent activities include but are not limited to

    • Interaction day for new students
    • Talent show
    • Annual dinner
    • Rubik's Cube competition
    • Trip to Thailand and Pulau Perhentian
    • Mathematics Camp for primary and secondary school students
  • Malaysian Applicant


    1. Saluran Perdana (Penuh Masa)
    2. Saluran Alternatif (Penuh Masa)
    3. Program Pesisir
    4. Rancangan Pengajian Jarak Jauh (RPJJ)
    5. Diploma Lanjutan Kejururawatan Renal
    6. Saluran Alternatif : USM + 1

    Untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari sini.


    Untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari sini.

  • International Applicant


    Please visit here for more information.


    Please visit here for more information.


    Please visit here for for online application and guidelines.


    Bank officers, Stockbroking Executives, Statisticians, Teachers, Lecturers, Quality Assurance Engineers, Systems Engineers, Investment Analysts, Administrative Officers, Planning Officers, Quality Control Officers, Production Engineers, Research Officers and others.

  • Contact

    Deputy Dean (Academic, Career & International)
    School of Mathematical Sciences
    Universiti Sains Malaysia
    11800 Penang
    Telephone: +604 6533481
    Fax: +604 6570910

    You may also contact the respective programme chairperson for more information regarding any particular programme. Their contact details are available here.

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel : +604 653 3284 | Fax : +604 657 0910  |  E-Mail :  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Friday 21 March 2025.