School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Semester 2, 2024/2025: PPSM Lecture Mode (Updated 13 Mac 2025)

Dear BSc and BApplied Science students:

Classes on Week 1 will be conducted physically. However, due to requests and in consideration of student well-being, the first week of classes in Semester 2, 2024/2025 will also be available online. Classes will be delivered via Hybrid or HyFlex, ensuring access to learning materials regardless of location.

Muslim students who celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri may choose to fully attend classes online. Non-Muslim students who require an exemption from the first week of physical classes may contact Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee See Keong, Deputy Dean (Academic) for approval.

Please note that all classes in Week 2 will be fully online.

School of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel : +604 653 3284 | Fax : +604 657 0910  |  E-Mail :  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Friday 21 March 2025.