School of Mathematical Sciences  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Low Heng Chin


Professor Dr. Low Heng Chin
PhD Mathematical Statistics, University of Liverpool, UK.
BSc Hons Mathematical Statistics, University of Liverpool, UK.

Email: | Room No.: 037 | Phone: 04-6533641






Heng-Chin Low is a  Professor  of  Statistics at the School of MathematicalSciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, where  she teaches statistics courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is involved in transdisciplinary collaborative research projects with academics as well as the industry for a more hands-on statistical education.

Selected publications:

  1. Siew, J.P., Low, H.C. and Teoh, P.C., An Interactive Mobile Learning Application using Machine Learning Framework in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2016, 12, 1/2, 1-24.
  2. Jit Ping Siew, Heng Chin Low and Ping Chow Teoh, Towards Zero Defects in Solder Paste Printing using Process Analytics, Applied Mechanics Materials Journal, 2015, 1662-7482.
  3. Muhammad Atif, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Muhammad Asif, Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar, Muhammad Khan Sarfraz and Heng Chin Low, Impact of tuberculosis treatment on health-related quality of life of pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a follow-up study, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2014, 12, 19-42.  (ISI IF: 2.27)
  4. Muhammad Atif, Zohreh Toghrayee, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Asrul Akmal Shafie, Heng Chin Low and Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar, Missing Data Analysis in Longitudinal Studies: Findings from a Quality of Life Study in Malaysian Tuberculosis Patients, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2014,  11 pages DOI 10.1007/s11482-014-9302-x (ISI IF: 0.627)
  5. Alya O. Al Mutairi and Heng Chin Low, P-Value for Two-Sample Linear Rank Tests using Permutation Simulations and the Normal Approximation Method, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2013.794287 (ISI IF: 0.288)
  6. Norsyahida, A., Riazi, M., Sadjjadi, S.M., Muhammad Hafiznur, Y., Low, H.C., Zeehaida, M., and Noordin, R., Laboratory serodiagnosis of strongyloidiasis: IgG-, IgG4_ and IgE ELISAs and cross-reactivity with lymphatic filariasis, Parasite Immunology, 2013, 35, 174-179. (ISI IF: 1.85)

Research Interest:

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Process and Data Analytics





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Teaching and Supervision



No. Course Code Course Name
1. MSG 460 Survival Analysis
2. MSG 362 Quality Control
3. MST 564 Statistical Reliability



Level Name Title
  1. Beh Mei Li
  1. William Koay Fong Thai

An Alternative Simulation model for Planning of Subject Recruitment in Clinical Trials

A Novel Approach for Prioritisation of Product Quality Improvement in a Complex Manufacturing Environment

  1. Ng Wei Chien
An Integration of Web Based FMEA and TRIZ for Generating Structured Solutions
  1. Yip Mei Kei
  1. Cheong Yei Gin
  1. Tiou Wen Quan

Quality Improvement using DMAIC Methodology in Sanmina

Process Capability and GR&R Studies

Statistical Techniques for Quality Improvement in Bosch Power Tools



Research Grants
  1. A Novel Approach for Prioritisation of Product Quality Improvement in a Complex Manufacturing Environment, CREST Grant, RM237,500.00, 01/10/2015-01/10/2018
  2. Transformation by Applying Innovative and Sustainable Mobile Learning in Manufacturing Process and Machine Maintenance, CREST Grant, RM82,000.00, 01/07/2013-30/06/2015


List of publications:


1.  W. C. Ng, S. Y. Teh, H. C. Low and P. C. Teoh, The Integration of FMEA with Other Problem Solving Tools: A Review of Enhancement Opportunities, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, DOI :10.1088/1742-6596/890/1/012139 012139.

2. Wei Chien Ng, Sin Yin Teh and Heng Chin Low, An Innovative Way of Handling Multiple Directorship Issue: Breakthrough Thinking for Business Management with TRIZ, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2017, 2017, 940-950.


1.  Siew, J.P., Low, H.C. and Teoh, P.C., An Interactive Mobile Learning Application using Machine Learning Framework in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2016, 12, 1/2, 1-24.

2.  Sau Loong Ang, Hong Choon Ong and Heng Chin Low, Classification using the General Bayesian Network, Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 2016, 24(1): 403-414.


1. Sin Yin Teh, Heng Chin Low and Ping Chow Teoh, Statistical Process Control for Process Improvement in Industry: A Case Study, Advanced Science Letters, 2015, 1-5.

2.  Jit Ping Siew, Heng Chin Low and Ping Chow Teoh, Characterizing Performances of Solder Paste Printing Process at Flexible Manufacturing Lines, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1643, 341-348.

3.  Jit Ping Siew, Heng Chin Low and Ping Chow Teoh, Towards Zero Defects in Solder Paste Printing using Process Analytics, Applied Mechanics Materials Journal, 2015, 1662-7482.

4.  Wasin A.A. Alqaraghuli, Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi and H.C. Low, Fitting Second-Order Model to Mixed Three-Level and Four-Level Factorial Designs using the Coefficient of Polynomial Contrast, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2015, 33(9), 1450-1456.

5.  Wasin A.A. Alqaraghuli, Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi and H.C. Low, Fitting Second-Order Models to Mixed Two-Level and Four-Level Factorial Designs: Is there an easier procedure?, International Journal of Engineering, 2015, 28(11), 1-7.


1.  Muhammad Atif, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Muhammad Asif, Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar, Muhammad Khan Sarfraz and Heng Chin Low, Impact of tuberculosis treatment on health-related quality of life of pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a follow-up study, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2014, 12, 19-42.  (ISI IF: 2.27)

2.  Muhammad Atif, Zohreh Toghrayee, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Asrul Akmal Shafie, Heng Chin Low and Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar, Missing Data Analysis in Longitudinal Studies: Findings from a Quality of Life Study in Malaysian Tuberculosis Patients, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2014,  11 pages DOI 10.1007/s11482-014-9302-x (ISI IF: 0.627)

3.  Alya O. Al Mutairi and Heng Chin Low, P-Value for Two-Sample Linear Rank Tests using Permutation Simulations and the Normal Approximation Method, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2013.794287 (ISI IF: 0.288)

4.  Alya O. Al Mutairi and Heng Chin Low, Improved Measures of the Spread of Data for some Unknown Complex Distributions using Saddlepoint Approximations, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2013.849739 (ISI IF: 0.288)

5.  O. Al Mutairi Alya and Heng Chin Low, Estimations of the Central Tendency Measures of the Random-sum Poisson-Weibull Distribution using Saddlepoint Approximation, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2014, ISSN 1812-5654 / DOI: 10.3923/jas 2014, 5 pages.

6.  Zohreh Toghrayee, Parvin Jalili, Heng Chin Low and Ardavan Taghva, A Mixture Dropout Machanism in a Longitudinal Study with Two Time Points: A Methadone Study, Australian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2014, 10(3), 247-257. 

7.  Al Mutairi Alya O and Heng Chin Low, Saddlepoint Approximation to Cumulative Distribution Functions for Some Difficult and Unknown Linear Combinations of Random Variables., Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 2014, 8(3), 3081-3089.


1.  Al Mutairi Alya O. and Heng Chin Low, Saddlepoint Approximation to Cumulative Distribution Function for Poisson-Exponential Distribution, Modern Applied Science, 2013, 7 (3), 26-32. 

2.  Norsyahida, A., Riazi, M., Sadjjadi, S.M., Muhammad Hafiznur, Y., Low, H.C., Zeehaida, M., and Noordin, R., Laboratory serodiagnosis of strongyloidiasis: IgG-, IgG4_ and IgE ELISAs and cross-reactivity with lymphatic filariasis, Parasite Immunology, 2013, 35, 174-179. (ISI IF: 1.85)

3.  Ja'afar Nuhu Ja'afar, Yuan Xin Goay, Nur Fatihah Mohammad Zaidi, Heng Chin Low, Hani Mat Hussin Mansor Hamzah, Subhash Janardhan Bhore, Prabha Balaram, Asma Ismail, and Kia Kien Phua, Epidemiological analysis of typhoid fever in Kelantan from a retrieved registry, Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 2013, 9(2), 147-151. 

4.  Wasin A.A. Alqaraghuli, Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi and H.C. Low, A New Procedure for Fitting Second-Order Model to Four-Level Factorial Designs, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2013, 22(8), 1116-1128.

5.  Almutairi Aned Omar and Heng Chin Low, Bayesian Estimate of Parameters for Life Distributions based on Different Loss Functions, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, 2013, 8(1), 11-17. 

6.  Al Mutairi Aned O. and Heng Chin Low, Concepts in Order Statistics and Bayesian Estimation, Mathematical Theory and Modelling, 2013, 3(4), 37-42. 

7.  Zohreh Toghrayee, Heng Chin Low and Ardavan Taghva, Handling Missing At Random Data: A Case Study of Imputation Methods, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2013, 26(8), 1079-1085.

8.  Al Mutairi Alya O. and Heng Chin Low, Saddlepoint Approximation to Cumulative Distribution Function for Poisson-Binomial Model, Modern Applied Science, 2013, 7 (6), 101-105. 

9.  Al Mutairi Alya O. and Heng Chin Low, Saddlepoint Approximation to Cumulative Distribution Function for Damage Process, Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2013, 3(5), 485-492. 


Interests & Hobbies:  Reading journals, textbooks, magazines, baking quick recipes, watching Netflix movies.

Bodies & Professional:  Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (FRSS), London, U.K.

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